Chapter 164 Eric Is Uneasy

“Cut! Eric! What’s wrong with you today? Are you going to act properly or not? You’re wasting everyone’s time!” Lewis shouted in frustration for the third time, irritated by Eric’s absent- mindedness.

Eric looked around, his face filled with apology. “I’m sorry; can I have ten minutes to rest?”

He couldn’t understand why Abigail had given the gloves he bought for her to Josie.

Seeing Eric leave after speaking. Lewis quickly approached Eric and asked in a low voice, “What’s going on? Are you feeling unwell?”

“No, just give me ten minutes. I promise I’ll adjust,” he said calmly, but his emotions were hard to hide.

Back in the resting trailer, he sat with his eyes closed. Thinking about the gloves on Josie’s hands, his breath becoming uneven.

“Pass me my phone,” he suddenly said, addressing his assistant, who was heating water for him.

He rarely used his phone, especially during filming. The last time he used it was when Laura had angered him.

One by one, everyone returned to their trailers to rest.

Abigail was busy selecting clothes for the other actors. Lewis approached her with a steaming cup of tea. “Thanks to your cousin, we can all have a sip of hot water.”

Through the gap in the clothes acting as a barrier, Eric discreetly glanced at Abigail. Hurt emotions flickered in his eyes, but in the end, he didn’t say anything.

He heard Abigail say, “Director, if I make a mistake again, please go easy on me.”

She said this while stealing a glance at Eric.

seemed different today, but she

Abigail looking at Eric, Lewis asked her quietly, “Do you know what’s up with

no idea. He was fine during the morning run,” Abigail

in hushed tones until Eric’s assistant walked


costumes for the actors, she went

female actors.

she came out, she saw Sean walking

in his hand, and when he saw Abigail, he quickened

waited for him to approach. She naturally stepped under his umbrella. “I’m going to help the female actors with their outfits. If you have something to say, do it

along with a few bags of heating pads and

lowered her head to take a look and slowly

If the hot

“Okay.” Abigail nodded.

handed her the umbrella. “You don’t even

want it?” Abigail

his tone indifferent. “The car is right

giving Abigail a chance to speak, he turned and walked away

couldn’t help but mutter to herself that her



once the actors had left. Abigail retreated to her designated corner

some rest.

fully lined furry snow boots. As she touched them, she could feel the warmth emanating from within. She swapped out

wouldn’t have to worry about her shoes getting wet in the

snowfall set the scene, Abigail ventured out, umbrella in hand.

folded up the umbrella and sat

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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