Chapter 177 Negative News Strikes

Half a month had passed, and the production team was already preparing for the wrap-up of the


Abigail had some free time lately.

Eric had scheduled to take her to the Davidson Residence a week after the wrap-up to get Maisy’s


One day, while idling at the production team, Abigail received a call from Luna.

“Abigail, we’ve scored a big job!” Luna’s voice was filled with excitement.

Abigail was puzzled. “What’s that? Did someone offer you a sweet deal?”

“Do you know who Lexie Chambers is?” Luna’s voice was full of amusement.

Abigail certainly knew. Lexie was a Hollywood actress who had even won awards and was internationally renowned.

“She personally called me today and said that there’s an international red carpet event in June. and she hopes you can design a gown for her. She wants to outshine everyone on the red carpet,” Luna said with excitement.

Abigail was a bit taken aback by Lexie’s request to outshine everyone, but it was still March, and there were three months for the design.

“I’ve already turned down all the other brands that wanted you to design for them and promised Lexie on your behalf. If your design can make her outshine everyone on the international stage, then L.Moon will truly take off.” Luna was already dreaming big.

made a hesitant sound.

to her mind, and she felt

and feared that she wouldn’t be able to personally design for your grandmother. So, I wanted to ask you if you would be okay

hadn’t firmly committed to it at the time. She had mentioned that if anything

a big deal…” Eric also sensed Abigail’s

industry, and everyone wanted

L.Moon to prioritize a project for her to promote the

understand. I’ll inform my grandmother, and when Alana finishes designing for Lexie, she can. proceed with the design for my grandmother. How does that sound?” Eric readily agreed and showed no intention

That worked out well.

comes up later?” Abigail couldn’t help

next year. Can you… talk to Alana about it?” Eric asked with a

hadn’t expected him to use

Instead, she was curious about why he was adamant.

it’s because of my grandmother’s personal preference. She said she really liked. you moment she saw you. She knew you were an assistant working at L.Moon and wanted you to handle more high-profile projects to

response genuinely surprised

said that being an assistant isn’t easy,” he added as he


for Lexie, I will definitely talk to

Eric’s expression brightened instantly.


actresses, who were dressed in their costumes, took photos

popular initially, it quickly started

traditional clothing and returned to her

cast, their

bring up Laura for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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