One wrong decision.
“You didn’t even kill him.” I rage, my anger only gets more intense as I look around at the old lady floral lounge I’m currently hiding in.
“Will you keep your voice down, he might be g ay but my neighbours still have ears.” I roll my eyes at her. Leon is not home, he will be at the medical centre gathering around Fraction and his little Omega.
“He’s let her back in, she’s at the medical centre right now.” I jump up for the plastic covered sofa, “and here I am, relegated back to the depths with you.”
“Oh I’m sorry. here’s me thinking you wanted me to help. If I’m such a burden you can find your way to the door.” I look at her and her smug little smile, I take slow deep breaths and remind myself that I can’t hit a little old woman.
“Nothin you have done has helped me. The herbs are useless and only worked that one time, he won’t even look at me let alone touch me.” I watch as she puts her knitting needles down and picks up her coffee
“I got you the Luna spot, I can’t force a mating. Even though I’m not that strong, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news dear but your father has been spinning you a yarn. That Alpha is not nor will he ever be, your mate.” I shake my head in denial, I know she’s lying, Fraction is mine. We are meant to be together.
“You’re lying, it’s written.” she just sits there and sips at her drink like my whole world is not imploding around me.

One wrong decision.
1288 Vouchers.
“The Greylone’s have hated the Alpha’s family for long before you were born and it will continue long after you are gone.” She says. cryptically.
“It doesn’t matter, he’s my mate. Not hers,” I shout loudly, “I’ve known this for a long time! It’s written in the journals, I’m to be a great Luna.”
“Have you seen them? Does it name you specifically?” I don’t answer her. I haven’t seen them but it’s besides the point. My father wouldn’t lie to me, not about this. Storming out of the house I slam the door so hard I hear a picture fall from the wall and beak. I smile knowing I’ve just caused her some kind of pain. Everything in that house is precious to the old bat so seeing something broken will devastate her.
Looking across the road I see the damage Mrs Jacobs car has done to the park lawn. it’s all rucked up and torn apart, sniffing I can smell Thoma s’s blood in the air. It’s soaked into the ground so it will stink for days, or at least until we have a good strong rain. Smiling to myself I head off towards the coffee house, maybe some coffee will settle this pit in my stomach. I hate to say it but the old bat has put some doubt in my mind, maybe I’m not meant to be his. Maybe Anna is his rightful mate, not like it matters. I’m here now and I’m not letting go of the Luna spot for anything or anyone. Walking past the bakery I see the guy Anna came with, I haven’t been in here since I covered the shift and gave Anna that cake. Apparently Susan doesn’t want anyone but her in the kitchen these days. The poor woman doesn’t realise that I baked the dam n cake at home, not in her kitchen. I decide to stop and have a chat with Anna’s new male friend, maybe I can talk him into making a move on her. Perhaps if she’s busy getting her needs met. elsewhere then she will leave me and mine alone.
I stop next to the streetlamp just opposite the door of the bakery and wait for him to come out. It doesn’t take long before Mr Tall, Dark and Brooding comes stomping out the tiny bakery holding a small bag of goodies. If I know anything about Anna then that’s got to be chocolate
“She used to make him buy it for her, I see she has a new wolf on a leash.” I say as if speaking to myself, his eyes connect with mine and I see the moment he realises who I am.
“Faye.” he nods before taking a step as it to walk away from me.
“Luna, actually but I’ll ignore the disrespect. So your Anna’s new play thing? Must be pretty sure of yourself if you left her alone with Fraction.” I slide my eyes over him as if I’m appreciating the view.
“I’m no one’s plaything.” He seethes stepping closer to me, as he does his eyes widen and his nostrils flare.
“What are you doing”” I ask him recoiling away from him, he drops the bag of baked good and drags me to him by my wrist. His grip is really tight and as much as I try I can’t seem to pull away from him. “Get oll me!” I scream loudly and the few people on this side of the street actually cross the road to get away from us. His nose is right in my hair and I hear him take a deep sniff.
“You know what I find interesting. Faye?” He whispers in my ear. I shake my head, too scared to actually speak. “I find it really interesting that wolves all over the country are looking for Jellerson and yet here you are stinking of him.” He lets go of my wrist and because I was still trying to pull away from him I land on the side of the road on my as s, He comes down to my level by crouching down on his feet. “now tell me, why do you smell like Jefferson and for once in your life…don’t lie.”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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