His Rogue Omega: Chapter 120.


Looking out of the window I watch as Cas bids the group off to the Moon Ceremony. Thanks to The Elders and now Dean’s fast arrival, me and Cas decided it was best to send Rowan with some Pack members to at least give Everfur a presence for the first time in years.

“Alright, let’s try this again.” I murmur to Dean as I sit down in the rocking chair that appeared this morning. I think Cas was sick of seeing me try to get comfortable in the bed, I will admit it’s much easier to feed Dean in the rocking chair.

‘You mean try and feed.‘ Ghost taunts me, for some reason ever since Dean was born she’s been really snarky and a little mean to me.

‘I’m trying.‘ I tell her as I pull my bra down and expose my nipple to Dean’s squealing mouth, as normal he tries to latch on but he just can’t seem to get the idea.

‘Animals in the wild do this, can you just feed him already.‘ Sighing I drop my head back as Dean continues to scream his little lungs out. He fed that first time but now we are two days in and he has not eaten a thing. I can’t help but feel like I’m failing him in some way.

“No one ever taught me how to do this alright. I’ve just been given a pup and basically been expected to know what to do, I don’t understand why he isn’t feeding.” I feel the warm tears start to slide. down my face as the frustration becomes too much and I can’t contain my emotions any longer. It’s like a dam breaks and finally the river has overflown and there is no stopping it.

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“Luna?” I sniffle and look up to see Sally pushing her way into the bedroom with a warm smile on her face. “Oh Eva.” Sally drops whatever she’s holding onto the bed and rushes over to me in the rocking chair.

“He wont eat!” I wail, “he just screams and screams, he hates me!” Sally crouches down in front of us and puts a wrinkled hand on my knee, it’s a comforting gesture and one I find myself needing.

face into my chest as Cas comes barrelling into the bedroom, I don’t want him

talk to Cas like that before and

sniffle as I giggle a little, Dean still continues to

If you are tired and stressed, he will be too, it will make him not want to feed. So, pass him here and I’ll

sure?” I ask her as Dean continues to scream, his tiny hands. are clenched in rage and his face is bright red.

it still doesn’t work then I have brought a bottle up so he gets a little something in his tummy.” I’m swamped with guilt as I walk away from a

Roque Omega Chapter 120

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into the adjoining

out. The shower is massive with little water jets that blast you from the sides, I haven’t really had time to enjoy either of them but I will one day. Very aware that Dean is still screaming the Pack house down I quickly strip out of my sleep wear and step into the shower. Looking down at my body I notice the c–section scar is now just a red line, Selena said it takes humans weeks to be able to

eyes at

your problem?” I ask her as I rinse the shampoo from

realise when. I’m not chatting to you I’m normally sleeping.‘ I nod my head in understanding, me and Cas haven’t exactly had a lot of

excess from my hair, stepping from the shower I wrap myself in one of the bath towels

Sally is speaking quietly to Dean

tell Sally as I


my own. He keeps offering to get me one but I like wearing his so why bother. Walking over to the rocking chair I sit down and hold my hands out

and then bring him to the nipple.” I nod my head at Sally as I bring my chest down to Dean, he continues to wail as his little lips smack against my nipple. It’s almost like he’s searching

to just shove my breast into his mouth but even I know that’s not the right move. “It’s not working.” I tell Sally as I feel the tears start to boil to the surface

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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