Chapter 119

The man licked the corner of his bloodthirsty mouth slightly. His expression was ferocious and ugly.

“You actually dare to attack me?

“You’re just a 20-year-old piece of trash!”

“Today, I’ll show you the difference in strength!

“Submit to me and offer me your blood, the Clifford family’s bastard!” Bang!

As soon as he finished speaking, the land under his feet cracked like the land under Gavin.

He also charged at Gavin.

The two of them quickly approached.

Gavin waved his fists the size of a sandbag.

However, the man raised his pure black daggers high.

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face.

“How dare you block my black steel daggers with your bare hands?”

“My daggers can split mountains and rocks! You’re really a fool. Hahaha, know your place!”

Gavin wondered, ‘Know my place? Is he fucking retarded?’

The man raised one of the daggers in his hands high and slashed at Gavin at a strange angle.

It was unknown if Gavin had heard what the man said about his daggers.

He actually used his fist to meet the blade of the dagger.

In the next second, the blade and fist intertwined.

The man had imagined that Gavin’s palm would shatter, and blood

However, that didn’t happen at

sound, what shattered was actually the black steel dagger that the man was

The fragments splattered.

gaze, Gavin’s iron


blood spurted out

body was instantly sent flying

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His face was pale as he looked at Gavin, who

It can’t be. Poof!”

spat out another mouthful of blood.

at this moment, Gavin had


to let this man catch his

a soft sound, Gavin

iron fists smashed down heavily

his remaining dagger to resist. However, the result was the same.

black steel dagger he


firmly embedded in

man spat out another mouthful

face was already

understood the gap between

when Gavin insta-killed the three

he could also achieve that. He was very confident as a peak supreme

had completely underestimated Gavin’s strength. He actually said that Gavin was

were trash, why would the man be pressed to the ground and crushed by a piece

“No. No…”

third time, the man finally panicked and

Gavin, whose eyes were already stained

delivered another punch.

ground. However, Gavin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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