Chapter 141

Gavin still did not say anything.

The mocking smile in his eyes became even more obvious as he looked at Gavin.

He even deliberately put on a regretful expression and said to Gavin, “How pitiful! This fool is really pitiful for being so loyal!

“Since you’re not running, don’t blame us for beating you up!”

“Boys, attack! Cripple this stupid bastard first before catching that little bitch!”

With that, there was a whoosh.

This broke-toothed guy led the dozen of men behind him and charged straight at Gavin.

At this moment, the girl from before actually returned.

As she ran over, she shouted, “Don’t touch him!

“I don’t know him at all. I just got into a random person’s car!

“I’m the one you want to catch. Don’t hurt innocent people!”

Gavin, who knew that this was the moment, turned his head slightly and looked at the girl who had returned in surprise.

He did not expect this girl to be so kind-hearted.

However, would those people really let Gavin off just because she said that?

They did not seem to have heard this girl’s voice at all.

All of them had cruel smiles on their faces as they charged toward Gavin.

It was as if they wanted to skin Gavin alive.

Gavin was already angry that this group of people had disturbed his tracking.

Coupled with this group of people’s arrogant mockery, Gavin’s hand was already itching.

On the other side, the girl ran back to Gavin’s side.

She shouted anxiously, “Run with me! Don’t just stand there!”

This time, Gavin finally moved.

However, Gavin did not follow the girl into the alley. Instead, he rushed toward the dozen or so people.

“Hey! What are you doing?!”

The girl was shocked and wanted to run out to stop him.


A crisp scream interrupted the girl’s actions.

The girl stared blankly at the toothless man at the front.

was as if a tragic car accident had happened.

was actually sent

the direction they

heavily to the ground and

“What had happened?”

a moment, the girl did not

seen Gavin’s body turn into an

Puff! Puff!

Bang! Bang!

Snap! Snap!

kept coming.

out, and the sound of bones

girl was

heavily to the ground. Their eyes rolled back and

twitching and they lost consciousness.

area fell silent.

pile of bodies. There was also a girl who

this very handsome, thin, and tall boy would actually

see his

thought, ‘Did he take down the dozen people who were chasing her just like

is so

eyes were even shining

with these people, the anger in his heart

his gaze back to the Land Rover at the entrance

warrior had already fled elsewhere.

leave their car

the car now, they would send someone to drive it away in

that time, Gavin could also use this car to

took out his phone and took a photo of the Land Rover. He found a

Chad, who was walking alone on the street, suddenly received a message. It was from his Master,

could see what Gavin had sent him, Gavin called.


where did you go? Did I do something wrong? Don’t you

like he was about to cry.

sounded a little bitter.

Gavin ignored Chad.

Blade Alliance is famous in the entire

Chad did not dare to

immediately said


attention to this car. Report to me about the

What car?” Chad still didn’t



side, after Gavin put away his phone, he looked at the dozen unconscious

toward the car he was driving.

girl, who had been petrified from shock, also came back

“Wait for me!”

screaming, she ran toward Gavin and came to

did you do it? Do

girl threw a series of questions at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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