Chapter 1084 Mom is still a little girl~

Raven wiped his hands on his pockets, his strong back pressed casually against the door, looking towards the quiet hallway, but his peripheral vision was still drawn to the rustling of clothes there.

It wasn’t that there was anything good about it, but it was very pretty.

His Adam’s apple rolled up.

North lifted up her shirt to feed Lydia, but with a “hiss” sound, her legs immediately stiffened in pain.

“Lady, just bear with it. You’ll get used to it.” Julia comforted her.

But five minutes passed, and the nanny shook her head and said: “Lady, no. Lydia doesn’t have enough milk. Please try to relax.”

North squeezed Julia’s hand, tears welling up in her eyes. She cried: “It hurts so much. It hurts so


Julia saw her crying and quickly raised her hand to wipe away her tears: “Lady, during your puerperium, you are not allowed to shed tears. It’s not good for your eyes. Stop crying.”

Raven quickly turned his head when he heard North crying. She must have been in a lot of pain, her small body on the bed was shaking.

He was so miserable that he quickly stepped forward and said: “Forget it. If she can’t eat, then feed her with formula. She doesn’t need to breastfeed.”

“Okay sir. I’ll take Lydia and feed her formula first.”

Julia took Lydia away. Raven walked over to the bed. There were still tears on North’s face. She looked very pitiful.

“Forget it. Babies nowadays are mostly fed with formula and don’t need to be

and shook her head: “No way. It’s just too painful. Wait until I

her brave eyes, feeling so soft, “Yes, you are

her shoulders, her small hand quietly covering her sore spot under the blanket. She felt like she couldn’t open her eyes and

Raven lovingly stroked her little

North closed her

but Lydia started

her to comfort her but couldn’t. The baby cried until she

filled with milk: “Sir, Lydia is so smart. I just gave her some of the lady’s milk and now she refuses to use the bottle. I gave the bottle to her and she immediately spit

we tell the lady to try again and give the baby some milk?” The nurse on


giving birth. After all, a mother is not as precious as her child, so she doesn’t care whether the woman is in pain

his beloved, so he couldn’t bear

Give Lydia to me. I will hug her.” Raven walked

that be okay?”

Lydia in his arms, looked down at his sobbing daughter and nodded:

lifted the goose-yellow blanket at bit, hugged her and swayed in the hallway, softly saying: “Shh, Lydia. Don’t cry so loudly. Mom is here. Sleep. Don’t wake her up. Lydia, Mom have endured a lot of pain. Now that you have been born, you must be considerate and

very young. She is still a little girl. This is her first time giving birth. In the future, she needs you to

we cooperate to drink powdered milk now?”

“…Boohoo…” She didn’t understand.

saw a tall, handsome man holding

looking intently at the baby, his face was as handsome as a statue,

palace-style table lamp shined down on his head. As a father, his

nurses looked at each other

heard this is Mr. Dominos, the richest man in Los Angeles.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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