Chapter 487 I miss you


Is she pregnant with twins?

Olive helped her stomach sit up. “Really? Let me see

She often feels her own pulse. Her happy pulse was strong from the start, but she didn’t think it was twins.

“Miss Hart, look, these are two placentas. You can hear the babies heartbeats, both are fine. They are healthy.”

Olive saw two placentas. It’s true, she’s actually carrying twins.

Inside wasn’t a baby, but two babies.

Olive feels very surprised. She never dared to think about it and both children are growing very well, very healthy.

Olive lay down, and her eyes looked ahead, twi nkling with joy, “Derrick, did you hear? I’m pregnant with twins?”

Olive can’t wait to share this good news with Derrick Domino beside her, her joy is about to overflow now, and she must share it with others.

This is absolutely Olive’s happiest time of all this time. Derrick looked at her. The light in her eyes burned, becoming extremely animated.

He said. “Olive, congratulations.”

At this point, the doctor smiled and said: “Miss Hart, it’s very difficult to have twins. Your current body is very difficult to have a baby, now two babies are competing with you for nutrition, so you must eat more. It’s your motivation. You and the babies will try together, okay?”

Olive nodded vigorously, “I will.”

She will definitely work hard.

In fact, Olive’s recent morning sickness reaction has been severe. She has no appetite, and can’t eat anything, so now she has lost a bit of weight.

she had to force herself to eat, and she had to bring these two children

a successful ultrasound examination, Olive got up from the bed and

was black. Olive raised

she had seen herself

clear pupils suddenly contracted and froze

20-year-old girl with delicate features, but now she is old, with many wrinkles on her face, at

was, she saw a white

so frightened in the early morning. She finally knew why Derrick tied her hair with a

black hair

knew she was getting old, but she was determined not to cut her hair. This long black

something Elvis likes, and she always

now the little thing

her last straw was completely

shoes. Seeing Olive staring at the screen, he quickly walked over and blocked the screen with his body, “Olive, put on your shares. Let’s go back to

children, Olive lowered her thin eyelashes to hide all the emotions in her eyes, and

| miss

curled up slightly.

even more so, but for the sake of the two children, she forced herself to

her a sweet and sour chop: “Olive, eat the

Olive obediently ate the

handed her a bowl of fish soup, “Olive, drink fish soup.

then drank the howl

greasy food, but today she ate everything, even a bowl

said: “Master, Miss Hart has a good appetite today, start eating. This is a good sign, a lot of nutrition will

nodded, looked at Olive, and said, “Olive, from now on, you

I’ll go upstairs first.” Olive got up from the restaurant and went

it any longer,

up all the food

in, he heard vomiting inside, stopped in his tracks, and didn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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