Chapter 491 My wifel

The man came out of the bathroom and entered the room. Very quickly, a graceful figure jumped up, wrapped around the man like a water snake, and enticingly said, “Let me serve you well tonight.”

The two hugged each other and rolled over on the large bed.

The wedding guests were jaw dropping. This is not a romantic movie, it is clearly a porn ographic film and the genre isn’t suitable for children.

Crystal’s face changed dramatically. She was shocked. What’s happening? Why is the video changed?

The question is, who is that man?

Who is that?

Crystal knows that this is the only video of her and Elvis making love. The woman in the video is her, but the man seems…not Elvis!

How can it be?

Crystal suddenly realized something. She shook her head in disbelief, her hands and feet freezing.

Now people are whispering.

“What’s going on? What about the love movie that we agreed on? Could it be a benefit for us?*

The woman in this depraved video is the princess. Unexpectedly, the princess looked elegant and dignified, but when closing the door, she lacked tact and was s loppy. It could be seen that she couldn’t wait any longer, as if she had never seen a man before.”

“Who is the man in this video? He looks like the groom, but he’s not.”

As everyone was discussing, the camera suddenly zoomed in. Through the bright moonlight outside the window, people saw the real fare of this man.

This man is not Elvis at all!

to Elvis, his

“Oh my go d.”

exploding. The Princess actually had sex with another man, and

five thunderbolts fell on her. Her pupils suddenly constricted, she didn’t want to believe

it’s a video of her making love to Elvis, but why isn’t this


like being pushed from heaven to hell. She always assumed Elvis was sleeping with

belly is not Elvis’s. It


the lights that night. He did it on purpose. He surreptitiously changed men and asked another man to


It must be him!

front of her. The tall man was standing there. Ilis deep eyes gently scanned the big screen, his handsome face

looking at her, with cold eyes

quiet, strangely quiet, making the vague sound on the big screen even clearer. After returning to Greenland, she was a cold


Chapter 491 My wife!

off, the frenzy is still going on. She rode on the man’s waist and shouted, her voice very sweet.

eyes on her have changed, filled with ridicule, and

is truly a stunning reversal. Logan put on such a big show, now turning into a

that the princess has a bad personality and will be considered

now on.

of my groom! My groom deserves better!” A girl

It’s over!

She’s done!

paled. This horrible wedding was televised simultaneously online, and now

the laughingstock of thousands of households, how will she

time, a distinguished guest

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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