Chapter 1327

Nolan carried her into the study and closed the door. “ We’ve found out about Maxine’s life experience.”

She was startled. “Her life experience?”

Nolan walked behind the desk, opened the drawer, took out a document, and placed it on the desk. “ Thanks to our son, Wayion.”

Maisie’s eyes moved as she picked up the documents and saw the result of the DNA identification. She was shocked.

‘The kinship rate between Maxine and Rowena is as high as 95%?’

“Are they sisters?”

Nolan responded lightly, “They’re half-siblings.”

Maisie suddenly remembered the words that Maxine had used to describe her mother on the phone.

‘So their mother was Mr. Summers’ lover! ’

She took a deep breath. “Maxine knows about this.”

Rowena, Sue, and she were all

loosened his tie. “Just take a

the date. This identification had been

but only

Quincy pushed it open and


his head. “How was

accomplices escaped, and Maxine seems


of them can’t leave Bassburgh now, and they won’t be able


light bulbs on the walls were dimly lit, and it

were obviously swollen as if she had been crying a lot. Her hands and feet were tied, and she curled her

and playing cards until they heard the sound of

went out, and pulled up the

and walked

replied, “We’ve abducted her. All we’re waiting for is

gloomy, and she slapped the man with the back of her hand. “You regard this as abducted? I told you to

her with the person in the photo. The dress she’s wearing

at them, and the two men lowered their heads and stopped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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