Chapter 1611 

Nollace stopped and casually adjusted his sleeves. “Does what you just said count?” Colton walked around and up to Nollace and met his gaze. “You people from the Knowles didn’t keep an eye on that scourge Lisa. I’ll definitely come at you for what happened to Daisie sooner or later.” 

Nollace frowned and said nothing. 

The next day, Daisie went to the professor’s office and asked the professor to revoke Juliana’s punishment. 

The professor looked at her in surprise. “But she has made a mistake. Are you sure you don’t want to press on with the issue?” 

“She’s apologized to me, so I hope to give her a chance to correct her mistake. I believe that she’ll reflect on her own doings.” 

Seeing that Daisie had made a decision, the professor also agreed to withdraw Juliana’s punishment. 

Downstairs, Juliana rushed to the office and just so happened to run into Daisie when she was going downstairs. 

She snorted. “I shouldn’t have believed you.” 

Daisie frowned. “What?” 

but in fact, all you wish is that I will get expelled from college. Congratulations,

at Juliana’s figure as she went upstairs ,

It seems that she has heard a lot from someone

the professor summoned Juliana to the office, the latter had already prepared herself mentally to be expelled from the college. That was because Lisa had told

addition to that, it just so happened that she had gotten summoned by the professor right after she heard what Lisa

the professor only asked her to go

“Who told you that you’re

Juliana was stunned. 


Daisie specifically asked me to revoke the punishment for you. She’s willing to give you a chance

her email address.” I want

office, and before she could recover from

to ask her not to be discouraged as she could definitely get into a better college with her family background.

had been expelled from college. It sounded like Lisa was certain that she would be expelled and advised her

basically badmouth

Daisie personally, and everything that she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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