Chapter 1678

‘If it weren’t for the fact that Lara has tried to get rid of someone who’s out of her league this time around, would she end up in such misery?

‘Since she had the guts to do it, she’ll have to face the consequences.’

Daisie looked at her. “Lara deserves everything that she’s gotten herself into recently. However, she’s already suffered an accident, but everyone is still taunting her for the retribution. Don’t you think it’s a little sad?”

Freyja was surprised. “You... Do you think she is pitiful?”

“This has nothing to do with whether she’s pitiful or not. I just think that the action of attributing the difficulties that kind people or bad people encounter in life to fate or retribution is a manifestation of our incompetency as humans.

“Let’s say a person bullied you, you were insulted and beaten by them, and one day in the future, the person died or suffered from some accident or disease. We’ll happily claim that retribution is doing its job, and we’ll feel reconciled and gleeful because of that. But is that really retribution? In fact, that’s the behavior of someone weak and timid.”

Daisie supported her head with both hands. “When she was in power, those she oppressed because they were too weak or powerless to resist could only regard the disaster inflicted upon her as a form of revenge. So, even if all this didn’t happen because of me, if someone that she had bullied in the past were to have stood up against her, if someone were to have tried to stop her, she wouldn’t have been able to do that to more victims.”

her. In Yaramoor, when the Reeses

head away and pouted. “But the citizens of Yaramoor have the right to speak your voice and demonstrate your demands. So if there was enough noise spreading through the whole country, I don’t think the Reeses would be able to keep things under a cloak for as long as they did. One stick can be broken relatively easily, but it's a different story when you have ten sticks bundled together.

when hope is even wiped out, that’s when it’s

finally understood why Nollace wanted to protect

people could keep their original selves so perfectly, they either became extremely vicious, resentful of others or even aggravated

and experiences, so how could we generalize everything in the world? she was just expressing her personal

had resisted, and Lara suffered because of her resistance, but she would not taunt Lara for what happened to her. Because she thought Lara had already paid the price, it

who taunted her

end of the course, Daisie walked out of the academic

familiar, but she

suspense went on and on until Ken lowered the car

breath. Ever since she got to know

a lot to have such

Daisie. Her expression dimmed a little upon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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