Chapter 1703

Daisie walked into the room with a fruit basket. Freyja turned to see her. 

She placed the basket on the counter. “I guess you won’t be able to attend the anniversary event. You probably need to be here for about half a month more.” 

Freyja smiled. “Thank you.” “Don’t say that.” She sat on the chair. “You helped me before.” 

Freyja chuckled. “I guess we’re even then.” 

Soon after that, Daisie walked out of the room and into the busy corridor when she suddenly saw a familiar person. 

Wasn’t that Nollace’s bodyguard, Edison? 

She quietly followed them and saw that he was at the hospital’s A-wing. He entered a room quickly, but what was curious was that there were two bodyguards outside that room. 

behind a wall and couldn’t go closer, so she could only wait

a few minutes, Edison opened the door and walked out. Before the door closed,


It was Ayan. 

the only one who knew where Ayan was. Edison said something to the bodyguards, then walked to the

doors closed, Daisie walked out from behind the wall, looked to see which floor it stopped at, and ran toward it through the emergency

the garage, where Nollace’s

car and quietly moved closer to their car.

down with Nollace sitting in the backseat.

thought that his father was in your hands, and since his father is important


witness, it would be much easier to fabricate evidence of Jonah’s

understand why we’re not going straight to Ken. We can even let the Goldmanns handle him.”

Ken, lie would have pleuty

had his eyes on his daughter, it would be a matter of time before he took

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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