Chapter 2058 Joaqin turned around and ignored her. “Since you don‘t want to apologize to them, you‘re not allowed to get out of this building from today onward. Now go back to your room.” 

She bit her lower lip and dashed upstairs exasperatedly. 

Manuel witnessed the whole process of Florence being wronged, and what he saw tortured him in all possible ways. He had been with the young lady for so long and had never seen her be wronged. He did not understand the reason Joaqin would compromise with the Southerns. 

‘Those people deserve to die.‘ 

the Commune to apologize on her behalf to show their sincerity, which was the end of the matter. A few days later, Cameron went to the port to check

board the cargo ship, and the female bodyguard behind her was holding an umbrella for her to shade her from the scorching sun.

round. They did not have winter, and the summer was so long that foreign merchants who came

did you order so many containers of liquor? Are you planning to stock up for New Year‘s?” The staff bit the bullet and replied, “It‘s because the East Gate Clubhouse has been in high demand recently. I‘m only providing them the goods according to their order.” Cameron leaned against the backrest and crossed her arms. “According to the East Gate Clubhouse‘s passenger flow in recent years, it has lost a lot more customers than in previous years. They should be thanking their Gods that they’re not in urgent need of selling the drinks that they‘ve failed to sell on the premises. And here they are, wasting so much money on reserving three times more

and dominance, many businessmen realized that their businesses‘ earnings were becoming sluggish and had left the East Islands long ago. If that were not the case, they would most probably have been bribed by Fabio‘s men into setting up their businesses in Fabios‘s territory. The East Gate Clubhouse had been losing money all this while. Beverages were being sold at a huge

summoned the female bodyguard standing behind her. The female bodyguard, whose name was Mahina, stepped forward. “Mr. Southern.” She lifted her gaze. “Bring a few men onto the cargo

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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