Chapter 2281 Cameron smacked Waylon‘s hand away and turned her face away. “You look like you always have ulterior motives.” 

Waylon did not know how to react to that statement. He grabbed her into his arms and said, ” All I want is you, and that makes me a person with ulterior motives?” 

“Yes.” Cameron bit the bullet and replied, but her ears were flushed. 

She quickly broke free from his arms and took her cell phone out. “I miss my father, so I’m going to call him for a short catch–up. Don‘t follow me.” 

She then hurried away and did not dare to look back. 

Waylon leaned back in the chair, propped the back of his hand against his forehead, and 


‘She‘s really good at tantalizing others.‘ 

Jessie locked herself in her residence for two days. Her phone had been spammed by emails, text messages, and phone calls all day long, and all the text messages that she received were malicious insults and curses. 

She curled up on the couch, had not closed her eyes to get some rest for almost two days, and she looked extremely overwrought. 

Now even her neighbors would glare at her with total contempt whenever she went outside, and she could no longer stay there. 

This is all Ronald‘s fault! It‘s all his fault! 

do anything about this. I have to find a way

rage to Ronald.‘ 

thinking of something, a hint of ruthless chill

this time, in the

had started since dawn. It was 8:00 a.m. now, and the contractions had become more

turn as pale as death every

and said anxiously, “It didn‘t hurt so much last night. Why is she suffering so much now? Please

always painful. Her cervix dilation is only 3 centimeters now, and we have to wait until it

so much pain now, and you expect her to endure the pain until it gets to 10 centimeters? Is there no other way

please stay calm. We can give her an epidural to

“Then get it ready immediately.”

Freyja’s forehead and whispered, “Freyja, just endure

at him. “You don’t have to stay here with

her hand. “No, I have to

“I don’t want you to see

about what’s happening now. Why would you still

infuriated instantly. “I just care!”

cheek. “But I don’t care

astonished and had forgotten about

procedure, Colton’s facial expression instantly changed when he saw the needle. “Wait a

nurse explained, “Yes, we need to stick this needle into her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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