Chapter 361

“Why don’t you compensate me for emotional damage, then I’ll compensate for your loss?”


Mrs. Winters chocked. Why was it so hard to deal with this person?

“Nobody’s money fell from the sky. Everyone earned it. Do you think you could get money out of me from your daughter’s passing?”

Maisie’s face darkened, and she didn’t sound courteous. “If you want trouble, go ahead, I’m not afraid, but I won’t be responsible for the consequences. Now that I’m being extorted, if I still keep quiet, people are going to think that they can walk over me. I’m not stupid.”

She tumed to Cherie and said, “Send them out.”

Cherie nodded. “Sure.”

Cherie walked to the two of them and said, “I’m sorry, please leave if you’re done making a scene so that you don’t feel humiliated.”

the two people and

wasn’t happy, but there was nothing they could say, so they left. Cherie

Wynona’s parents had visited Maisie to ask her to ‘pay her debt, and his face dropped. “How did they know that Zee

no idea. They just showed

Nolan frowned

have known that Maisie was in Blackgold if not

issue? Even though Maisie doesn’t care, it will affect

that Cherie was concerned about Maisie, Nolan realized that it would be best

“You just need to focus on her safety. I’ll take care

nice to her, Mr. Goldmann. She probably accepted you by now, right?” Cherie suddenly

“If you don’t want this job, I can always give it

leave right now.” Cherie went out and closed the door

to a car and said to the person inside, “We went to see Ms. Vanderbilt, but there was

inside looked at them through the corner of her eyes and said, “Make it a big issue then. Someone will tell

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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