Chapter 459
“Back then, the Kents were still my allies. They gave me a vial and told me that it was a vaccine that could resist the virus infection. So because I trusted in the Kents and how much I worried about my daughter’s wellbeing, I bought it with a lot of money. I then injected the vaccine into my daughter.”
Hernandez clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth. “I didn’t expect my daughter to be still infected by the virus. It’s no wonder she would suddenly leave the de Armas a year later and travel to Morwich with Strix. Those people actually lied to me for decades!
“As for that vial, it was not the vaccine at all but a prototype of the virus, and they lied to me so that I would use my daughter for the experiment!”
The atmosphere in the office remained silent for a moment while Nolan poured himself a cup of tea and then asked slowly, “Is the virus part of their experiment?”
‘Erwin told me in Stoslo that my infection is only the first step.

Hernandez’s emotional breakdown was caused upon learning the truth behind his daughter’s infection even after being vaccinated.
Thus, he did not plan to hide it anymore. “Regarding the incident that involved the eldest princess, the
reason my father chose to withdraw the de Armas from the disputes within the royal family was actually not all because of the incident where Patrick Goldmann held me hostage.
“Patrick Goldmann held me hostage to force my father into taking a step backward. I then lost a leg and found out that my father’s death was related to
Patrick Goldmann. All these had caused me to hate Patrick Goldmann and the Goldmanns. I admit that I was blinded by hatred, so I listened to them
“My father had always been aware of what experiments those leftists were running, but he had always thought those experiments were carried out to invent vaccines to cure the virus.
“My father used to lock himself in his room for a whole week after the outbreak 30 years ago. He was extremely depressed the last time I saw him. And the last thing that he said to me was not to follow in his footsteps. I didn’t understand what he meant at that time, but then I never heard from him until the day I was informed of the cause of his death, I was very angry.”
Hernandez took a deep breath. He had reflected on it for a few days and thought carefully about what his father had said back then and how the vaccine these people had given to him turned out to be the virus itself. He finally understood everything.
“Patrick Goldmann did almost die at my father’s hands back then, but come to think about it, given his skills, my father shouldn’t even be able to hurt him at all. However, my father managed to injure him severely as if it was a piece of cake. It’s obvious that he was no longer in his prime at that time,
“After my father died, they told me that Patrick Goldmann was the one who killed him. I was young and impulsive back then, so all i wanted was to seek revenge on Patrick Goldmann, but he didn’t get to live long later on…”
Nolan’s eyes turned gloomy.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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