Chapter 514
Nolan lowered his head and kissed her cherry lips, but she was just as eager and thirsty.
The moonlight shone on Maisie’s face, amplifying her beauty. Her long soft hair hung on Nolan’s arm as he hugged her in his arms sideways, eyes filled with love, staring at her more gently than the moonlight.
He wished that time could pass slower so the time he could spend with her would last longer.
At that moment, the phone he left on the table lit up. Nolan carefully got up to get his phone, but what he saw dimmed his eyes.
The next day…
Maisie didn’t see Nolan when she got up. She picked up her phone just to see a new headline.
#Shocking: Ms. Henry is actually Hernandez de Arma’s granddaughter who turned to support the prince when her grandfather went missing.#

Maisie scrolled through her phone. All the news sites seemed to be reporting about her identity. She turned pale.
She immediately got out of bed and made a call. “Mr. Kent, what is the meaning of this?”
“I should be the one asking. You’ve had a brilliant performance with Mr. Goldmann. If I hadn’t sent
someone to spy on you, how would I know that our Ms. Vanderbilt here is still with her ex?” Maisie’s eyes dimmed. “Hah, still reverting to old habits? Turns out you like to secretly observe people?”
“How else would I find out that you are working with Nolan to trick me and redirect my attention?”
“Trick you?” Maisie laughed. “You look too highly of yourself. You forced me into this partnership. Now that you’ve exposed my identity, Mr. Kent, good luck.”
Maisie hung up with a frown. She wasn’t expecting to be exposed so soon.
She turned around but was startled by the man standing behind her. “When did you find out?”
Nolan massaged her furrowed eyebrows. “I already found out when you made a call.”
“I knew he was going to find out, just didn’t expect it to be so soon.” Maisie put her hand under her chin, but it was not the right time to play her trump card yet.
Nolan cornered her in front of the window and pressed his body up against her. “Why would a divorced couple stay together for so long ? Hmm?”
Maisie held her arms against his chest. “Nolan, do you want the people down there to see this?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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