Chapter 723

Louis left without turning his head.

The tears on Xyla’s face were slowly drying up. She took a step back and leaned on the wall as she slowly calmed herself down.

At Blackgold…

Quincy pushed the door open and walked into the office. He handed a document to Nolan and said, “I’ve checked the surveillance cameras around the bar Ms. Mayweather went last night. It’s true that a few thugs nearly raped her.”

Nolan scanned through the document and put it aside. “Go find them.”

Quincy nodded. After Quincy left the office, Nolan leaned against the back of the chair and rubbed

his forehead. His heart had nearly leaped out of his throat when he heard from

Saydie that someone had nearly poured sulfuric acid on Maisie.

No matter who wanted to harm her this time, he was not going to let them go away.

found the group of men through the surveillance video. Saydie tagged along with him and came to a billiard parlor, where they usually

of unemployed young men in there. When they sensed that they had come with bad intentions, they all picked up their weapons and asked, “Who the

anything, Saydie had

was agile. She slalomed between ten or so strong young men, taking them down one by one in several quick moves. In the end, all of them had

They were so scared they

out Xyla’s photo and showed it to

whose bone Saydie had broken, nodded and said, “Y-Yes. We saw her

“Who sent you to

sockets. He swallowed a few gulps of saliva, but he did

out a gun, and the man’s expression changed drastically. “It’s

that Quincy knew which “Ms. Hannigan” he was talking


getting the answer. When they arrived in front of their car, Quincy turned around and realized that Saydie was playing with the gun in her hand. His expression changed, and he said, “It’s already surprising enough that you’re bringing a gun with you, but how could you play

young, and I don’t

of blue flame then sprouted from

it’s just

Nolan heard that Maizie was behind everything,

and said,” Go ask Nathaniel. Does

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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