Chapter 829

Barbara stopped what she was doing.

They only gave us one fork when there are two lunchboxes?’

He put the lunchbox down. “Forget it. I can survive the night without eating this one meal.”

She did not hesitate before breaking her fork in two and giving the top part to him.” Let’s just put up with it.”

Helios looked at her and took the fork from her.

The two of them could only eat miserably with only half a fork. It rained heavily that night, and the neighborhood’s lights looked blurry due to the fog in the rain. Only the warm floor lamp placed next to the desk was turned on in the study. After listening to Quincy’s investigation report, Nolan closed the documents in his hand.” What did Mr. Boucher say?” Quincy responded, “Mr. Boucher intends to step down from his position and use it as a bargaining chip to save his son. However, I think it’s too risky. There’s no guarantee they’ll let Helios go even if Mr. Boucher keeps his end of the bargain.”

‘Tony has most probably abducted Helios. After all, the batch of goods has now been confiscated by the police. And Peter has gone into hiding and refuses to show himself in public. Tony might not even know where his hideout is. So the safest thing that Tony can do now is to keep

in his custody


about something when Maisie pushed the door of

that it’s very difficult for me to get used to that new appellation that you’re using.” Maisie smiled while putting the

you.” Nolan raised his eyebrows. He then picked up the cup of coffee that

Nolan was rendered speechless.

coffee. I’ll suffer from insomnia whenever

as she had actually overheard their

too?” Maisie stared at him. “Barbara has fallen victim to

Chase has also fallen into the hands of those people?

trouble now, but why would they kidnap Ms. Chase? Michael Chase has

Glitz Club with Saydie and met the owner of the Glitz

clearly showed that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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