The Trap Of Ace

Chapter 18

Read The Trap Of Ace [by Eva Zahan] Chapter 18 – “This is not a way to dance. No one dances like this,” I complained, huffing.

“I’m not anyone, Rosebud. I’m Achilles Valencian. I don’t follow rules, I make them,” he said, pulling me deeper into his arms.

Sighing, I gave up.

While the others moved around the dance floor, he didn’t let even an inch of distance between us. When his one hand should be in one of mine and the other on my waist, both of his strong arms were firmly wrapped around me, keeping me against his chest. And mine were locked around his neck. He wouldn’t even move freely, just slow sways. As if no one in the world was watching us. But the glares of both single and taken women were unignorable.

When my neck started to hurt, craning to look at him all the time, I rested my cheek on his chest. Closing my eyes, I let him move us around in slow waves. His scent with every intake of breath lulled me to peace.

I remained silent as he played with my hair. “Don’t cut those hair ever again.”

My eyes opened, but I didn’t move my head from his warmth. He was talking about that time when I’d cut them short, assuming he liked it that way.

“Why?” I whispered. I didn’t have any plans to do something I’d done years ago out of my naivety. I was my own person now.

“Because it looks beautiful on you. And, this is the real you. I don’t want you to change for someone else.”

I froze. So he did notice my change for him? He noticed how I became into someone else just to catch his eyes?

His words touched something deep inside me. He didn’t want me to change for anyone, even for him? Not that I was gonna do anything for him.

His fingers brushed against the fabric of my dress after he was done playing with my hair. Even if he did mind me not wearing his gift, he didn’t show it. Though the appreciation in his eyes for my appearance was clear.

And I hated to admit it, but I liked it. I liked the way he looked at me every time we met. I hated to love it all. His gaze on me, his touch, his warmth, his scent, his dominance, everything single thing. And I’d no idea how to stop myself from adoring these feelings.

My hand snaked to his left shoulder. “Does it still hurt?”

“No. Just a little sore, that’s it.”

I nodded, still roaming my hand from his shoulder to his chest. The sharp inhale of his pulled me out of my trance. Pulling away from his chest, I once again tried to maintain some distance. And this time, he let me. But just to some inches.

It was better than nothing. I could at least breath.

Glancing over his shoulder, I caught Caleb and Tess moving with the rhythm of the music. Love and adoration shone in their eyes as they whispered and laughed among each other, lost in their own world.

Some unsought memories again crawled back into my mind.

I moved away from his grasp, making him narrow his eyes.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

mumbled, already walking away, not waiting for his response. He didn’t

know where I was going. But I didn’t want to stay near

pain he can cause me again? His unintentional act occurred irreparable damage to my heart. And what’d happen when he’d do it

live through

I turned the corner, a hand grabbed

from him, Em.

shook my head. “I’m protecting myself, Casie. If I don’t run away, I will definitely get hurt. And this time, I don’t know if I can handle

to leave, she stopped

for that you’ll have to stay. Stay and see

I snapped. Why didn’t she understand my point? Didn’t she know how much I

bad happened in the past, doesn’t mean it will happen again. You don’t even know the whole truth of what exactly happened that night and why. You’re having this doubt that something is missing here, don’t you? Then why all of this?” She exhaled a long breath, eyes softening up. “Look, Em. You know really well what your heart desires.

and blinked away the tears that threatened to well

a hand on my shoulder. “He already took his steps towards you. It’s your turn now. Don’t let your fears steal the one thing that will worth it in the

looked at her. “When did you become so

side of the lips twitched as she lifted

was born sensible. Now don’t change the subject. You’re getting what I’m trying

“I don’t know what to

clear your every confusion. Go and talk to him. And if not, then talk to Tess. I think other than Achilles, only she can answer your


I was done in the washroom, I rechecked my appearance and decided

what fate would bring out of Ace and my relationship, even if there was something, but I wanted to know everything that had

them, or maybe it was just a heat of a moment, whatever it was, I wanted to know everything. Because until I didn’t know the truth, I’ll continue to

should just talk to

the hallway, I stopped at my

the night, he stood there before the huge window, alone. Hands in his pockets, he stared out

at this. I wanted to reach out and wash away the emptiness in him and bring back the

Caleb and Tess stood aside the pillar situated near the staircase. They watched Ace just as I was a moment

put a hand on Caleb’s shoulder as a sadness washed

my fault. I shouldn’t have been forcing him again and again to come here. Even after knowing

yourself, Cal. You just wanted your brother to stand beside you in your happiness, that’s all. And see, even after everything he came. Maybe he’s finally ready to move on from his past?

left him. “We both know why he came here both at that celebration night and this

turned up into a smile. “Yeah, for his

heart stopped in my chest. F-for

I glanced back at

Where did he go?

the vast mansion that he grew up in. How could the place he spent most of his life give him pain?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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