Just one of those birds alone was powerful enough, Veron was right, there would be eight more beneath the surface ofthe lav, the nine birds were o team up together at once, theiecoribined power would possibly be enough to destroy the earth v0 Veron could not help but chuckle a the.

dazed loolcon his face. "If only you could see how you look right now. Even if the other golden birds do fy out they'd attack Tyson firs. What areyou so afraid of?" Bowen smiled meekly at the words, Veron could not help but rol her eyes at him as she said, "Idiot. We should take the chance to unblock our acupoints while they're acing up against the birds.

"Alright!" Bowen nodded, beginning t silently channel his energy alongside Veron.

1yson and the Thre legged Golden Bird were engaged na fierce batle as they let out endless powerful rumbles.


Alas, the Three-legzed Golden Bird seemed tobe unable to take it any loner.

Itlet outa series of crows, fucerng its wings to land ona clearing to the side as 1tfixed ts beady eyes upon Tyson and the.

appeared to be thinking about something, To'Tyson, it seemed lke the bird was Scared. Tt made him smirk eoldly

so soon, you

bad for you" the

stuff Look, the

They though tha the Thee- legged Golden Bird would be abe to buy them more time until ts other eight counterparts showed

in Tyson's hands, Just

Sine evel and above hei leader as aman around thi Sears of age He had sharp gaze as he soared through the sek predtor in sch fits prey, radiating a poertul Atthe sight of the sudden appearance of the men in black, Tysons expression

black, "Whore Jou? Youve got some

the ight with the Three- legged Golden rd, and he

saw that there were dak clouds gathering here, sovie thought we'd ome and see sometbing was happening." Janoff cast a look at his sucroundings

as change


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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