Chapter 5777

Chapter 5777 Whew! - Thirty seconds later, Veron and Bowen had managed to emerge from the hole underground. All that could be seen was that the sky was still bloody, and the pair gasped before hurrying off in the direction of the farm.

The farm was surrounded with Raksasa » warriors then, as well as the black armored army riders.

Just a few minutes ago, someone had seen Tyson and another man escape from underground together into the distance, the nine Three-legged Golden Birds hot on their heels.

The warriors near the farm had been beside themselves with shock at the sight, and called upon defense to stand guard around the farm immediately.

At the sight of Bowen and Veron, the gazes of the warriors landed on the pair instantly. ¢ "Isn't that Bowen? What's he doing on forbidden ground?" I "There's a lady from the Nine Continents with him, too..." I Just as the voices rang through the air, the black armored army riders seemed to flare up in anger as they drew their long ' swords and roared out angrily at Bowen.

"Stand right there!" "Surrender now, and admit defeat." The other warriors were wary of Bowen's background, but the black armor army riders were not panicked in the slightest.

It was important to note that they all worked directly under Tyson, and only listened to Tyson's orders outside of the Empress.

On top of that, the farm was controlled

guarded by the army riders— and here Bowen was with a girl from the Nine Continents. There was no way they

many of the

himself at the sight, tugging on Veron's hand and speeding

had been difficult for them to escape ' from down there, and there was no way they were going to let the army

they had the Sunset

farm. Bowen did not spare a second thought then, summoning

rumble rang through the air

of the army riders could not dodge in time. They were sent flying, landing

know what to do at the

rush out "of the farm with Veron in tow. i

contain . their anger at

await the head general's sentence!" Bowen tugged Veron along, continuing to run. He

beckoned to Veron as he shouted, I pointing in the direction of his house: All he had to do was get home, and the army riders would no longer dare to act out of line. After all, the Empress cared deeply

by the farm, and they ) had practically

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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