Read The Ultimate Husband [by Skykissing wolf] Chapter 416 – That was Wyatt on the stage. Was he out of his mind?

Darryl felt the care from Lily and Yvonne’s eyes. He felt a rush of warmth in his body. He nodded to both of them before he turned to walk up to the stage.

“Evelyn, look!” Circe said to Evelyn as she pointed at Darryl. “He is going up the stage.”

“He is looking for d***h,” Evelyn replied coldly.

When Evelyn battled Wyatt, she could feel his strength. She believed no one in the crowd would be able to defeat him.


Abbess Mother Serendipity, who was seated at the opposite side of the stage, locked her sharp eyes on Darryl.

How could such a useless person join the fight?

It might be a good idea. If Wyatt could k**l him on the spot, it would save a lot of her effort.


who stood at the back, covered her

his own


face and asked, “Meg, are

appeared her speculation was correct. Megan had fallen for Darryl. She had always been calm and never had any worry for another man. How coald she fall for such

she must stop Megan from

Abbess Mother Serendipity. She said softly, “No, I am not. I told you my fiancé is Kent.

Serendipity did not ask further questions and started

a good look at him and furrowed his brows. “Hey man, you are

a student from the Hexad School. He was definitely looking

Two Master General. Wyatt shook his head and said, “No, I shall not bully

get started,” Darryl said coldly with both

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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