Read The Ultimate Husband [by Skykissing wolf] Chapter 464 – ‘Ewan White was here?’ Rachel wondered.

She was surprised as she quickly said, “Dad, I’ll come with you.”

Ewan White was Ophelia Lane’s disciple. He was also from the famous White family in Mid City.

Ewan and Rachel were good friends, and she liked him a lot as she felt he was charming.

Ophelia was seated on the sofa, an epitome of grace with her alluring body.

Ewan, her disciple, stood behind her in a suit, looking extremely dapper.

Ewan has been Ophelia’s follower for almost four to five years and was quite skilled in producing elixirs.

you! We’ve not seen each other for ages. I’ve been almost bored to

busy! But here

and Rachel were a match made in

greeted Ophelia,

cultivators, especially Ophelia Lane. She was not to be offended. Many masters

up and said, “Zoran, you’re too kind. I’m so sorry to visit you out of

offered. He commanded his servants, “Bring

tea was served, Ophelia jumped straight to the point.

occasion?’ Zoran wondered. “What

my disciple, and your daughter like each other very much. They get along with

blushed. She was extremely delighted. If she could marry Ewan, she would be

I see. Unfortunately, I have to apologize to you, Ophelia. My

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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