Read The Ultimate Husband [by Skykissing wolf] Chapter 528 – Darryl immediately punched Yvette!

Yvette reacted quickly; she leapt and started to run away.

“Running away?” Darryl shouted coldly and went after her. He turned to the Four Warlords and shouted, “Zephyr, go down the hills now. Inform all the sects someone is pretending to be the Elysium Gate. We need to clarify this misunderstanding with them.”

“Yes, Sir!” Zephyr and the rest replied.

Yvette had run for a few minutes, but the distance between Darryl and her had gotten closer. He would catch up with her soon!

However, Yvette was not worried; she smiled. The woods were in front of her. She had set some traps there. No one would be able to leave the woods alive. She dove into the woods without any hesitation.

Darryl stopped right outside the woods. He did not barge into the woods; he stood outside as he observed the place. Something was not right with the woods; there was a trap.

sighed in relief. She smiled at Darryl. “I have nothing

with me?” Darryl laughed coldly. ” You pretended to be me, abducted the elites and Sect Masters under the guise of Elysium Gate. You still dare to say that you

should thank me; Elysium Gate is

did not want to waste any more time. “Remove your mask and get out of there. You have the guts to


are Indomitable


speechless. Yvette continued to say, “I didn’t expect that Indomitable Darby is

woods; it was the Six Energy Trap. A minister from the New World had

with her plan. Apart from herself, no one would be able to leave

to abduct the elites from the sects had failed,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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