Read The Ultimate Husband by Skykissing wolf Chapter 1099 – Lord Kenny Bred shook his head and bitterly smiled. “I’m fine, Dear. I won’t follow you to the World Universe, since Darryl is there. H-he…will take good care of you. Dear, don’t worry about me. His Majesty still relies on me for many things, so he can’t do much harm to me.”

Lord Kenny then let out a long sigh as he bore through the pain in his heart and said to Ambrose, “Ambrose, I won’t be by your side in the future. You have to be a good boy and protect your mother when you grow up. Do you understand?”

“Hmm!” Ambrose looked at Lord Kenny with his small face and nodded.

Although Ambrose was still young, he realized something at that moment and hugged Lord Kenny’s leg while saying, “Father Emperor, come with us. I still want you to buy candy for me.”


Lord Kenny could no longer hold back his own emotions upon hearing those words as his tears fell.

The next second, he bent down with his tear-soaked face with a smile and said,” Ambrose, when you go back to the World Universe and meet your real father, he’ll buy candies for you…”

‘Real father?’ Ambrose was confused at those words.

At that moment, Lord Kenny said no more as he stood up and yelled toward the guards outside, “Get Tyler Gill here!”

Not long after, Tyler quickly approached and respectfully said, “Lord Kenny, how may l assist you?”

Tyler was Lord Kenny’s confidante-the person he trusted most.

Lord Kenny’s voice was hoarse as he said, “Tyler, I order you starting from now to protect Monica and Ambrose. Lead them back to the World Universe until they meet with Darryl Darby. There can’t be any mistakes!”

‘What?’ Tyler shuddered and was completely stunned.

Kenny cared a lot for Monica. Why will he want to send her back to be with Darryl

noticed Lord Kenny’s miserable expression and dared not ask much. He responded with a fist-palm salute, “Lord Kenny, don’t worry, I’ll

nodded then smiled at Monica. “Dear, please take Ambrose and leave before His Majesty sends someone over

a lord at that moment?

as well. She looked at him and said, “Take care, Lord Kenny,

the farewell and started crying.

respond nor did he turn

he would miss them


Kenny fiercely turned around upon hearing their footsteps gradually getting further away from him while

Ambrose! Please take good


other side at Florian Darby’s

Florian and Yumi were sitting

servant was kneeling

It seems that they are heading to the World Universe,” said the servant softly. The servant had been following Florian for

“Everyone knew the Emperor just gave an order for Lord Kenny to

with rage and

expected was that Lord Kenny loved Monica so much that he would rather go against imperial orders than k**l her. Monica was

“Mistress, I’m not wrong. The person that was sending Monica and her son is Lord

felt gloomy and

Palace, so it

eyes flashed hints of cruelty as he said that. “Tyler’s the only person guarding that mother and son. He might be powerful, but won’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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