Chapter 163

Stephen looked at her with concern as he said gently, “You can tell me anything if you want to.”

Melanie tried to force a smile. “Thank you for accompanying us all day. You must not have eaten yet. I’ll buy you dinner.”

She wanted to avoid talking about her grandfather to Stephen. Stephen looked at her deeply.

He changed the topic and asked Melanie, “You seem to be getting along well with Xander?”

Melanie nodded. “He’s a nice person.”

“You must be the first person to say that.” Chuckling, Stephen recalled Xander’s personality before saying, “Maybe because you and him are alike.”

Melanie had never thought they were alike. She felt Stephen was trying to find a topic to talk about, so she went along with it.

Only a few restaurants were nearby, and it was crowded because of dinner time. Almost everyone eating there were patients and their family members.

Stephen and Melanie went to a mall nearby.

Melanie did not have much of an appetite. She asked Stephen, “What would you prefer to have for dinner?”

Stephen looked at her. “Let’s have beef stew. It’s simple and tasty.”

as soon

himself apologetically before going out to

the waiter for the

busy looking after her grandfather after work and had her phone on

noticed she had an unanswered call and two message

from Yana, asking

soon as the phone rang. She was still working overtime in the office and sounded sad. “Hello, Melanie.

“You called me this evening.

evening?” Yana was startled and said, “Oh, Mr. Scott came to the office to ask for you this evening.

to look for

frowned. “Why was he looking

Chapter 163


anything when he

came back when he hung up the call. His brows were knitted, and he did


me for a meal,” said Stephen as he sat opposite Melanie and took the menu. “Have you

Simon, and those guys were best friends

distanced himself from

for you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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