Chapter 889

Eugene was always busy working and spent most of his time in the office back in Jepton. He had never given himself time to relax as he was always in working mode and highly focused.

After that, he rushed overnight to get to where Melanie was. He was then stuck in the high–humidity forest. He had been in the rain and even let Melanie have his coat. When he heard the commotion in Melanie’s room the night before, he immediately went over to help Melanie. He did not have a good rest. It was only normal that he ended up getting


Melanie checked his temperature exasperatedly. He was burning up at 39 degrees Celsius. Eugene sat on the couch opposite her. He was looking downward. It was probably because he was having a fever that he had lost some of his sharp edge. He looked quite


Melanie said, “You’re having a fever. You should be going to the hospital.”

Eugene’s dark eyes reflected Melanie in them. He no longer had an excuse to stay behind. He picked up his coat and said in a hoarse voice, “I understand that my fever might be contagious and Merry is not immune to it. I’ll leave right now.”

He was about six feet tall. His shoulders were wide, and he had a narrow waist that made him look quite sexy. However, for some reason, Melanie felt like he had gotten skinnier.

When Eugene got to the door, he covered his mouth and coughed a couple of times. He looked at Melanie and said apologetically, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold it in.”

“There’s an empty storeroom in the house. Stay inside and don’t come out to the living room for no reason. You’re also not allowed to go anywhere

coughing and turned back to look at Melanie. She was already returning to her room with Meredith in

There was

stay, she

him. She stayed inside the room the

had turned dark that she heard

Chapter 889

door, “There doesn’t seem to be any ingredients left at home. Do you want to buy some groceries

to be home during the weekend, which was why her fridge


can order takeaway.”

eating before leaving her room to make a simple meal for herself.

lost in thought for a moment as she heard his footsteps

order her portion of food when he got takeaway for himself. To be exact, he had ordered enough for five people. Melanie was not happy to see so much food on the table.

as my gratitude for your willingness to take me in and consider this rental payment.” Eugene had slept the entire afternoon after taking some

than usual now. For some reason, it made

move. Eugene looked at her and said, “You should have something while Merry

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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