The Unshackled Queen: Never Say Never by Gilbert Soysal

The Unshackled Queen: Never Say Never by Gilbert Soysal

Authors:Gilbert Soysal
Num Chapters:1942
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Chapter 2002

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Read The Unshackled Queen: Never Say Never by Gilbert Soysal by Gilbert Soysal. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free here

Summary of the Novel The Unshackled Queen: Never Say Never:

Hannah Moore’s four-year marriage to Declan Edwards ends with the signing of a divorce agreement. Despite her efforts to nurture their relationship, including preparing for his arrival with a clean home and a homemade meal, Declan coldly reminds her that their union was purely a business arrangement. His true love, Eliana Patel, is returning, leaving no room for Hannah in his heart or life.

Declan reflects on Hannah’s qualities—her undeniable beauty hidden behind a plain demeanor and dutiful personality. Yet, to him, she remains dull and uninteresting, unworthy of his deep affection, which has always been reserved for Eliana. In an attempt to compensate Hannah for the separation, Declan offers her substantial wealth, including villas, a luxury car, and millions of dollars.

Hannah’s past, including a stint in prison, looms over her future, but she faces the dissolution of her marriage with quiet dignity. Declan’s marriage to her had been a compromise to appease his family after defying them for Eliana. Now, as he prepares to reunite with his first love, Hannah is left to rebuild her life, possibly uncovering her strength and independence as she steps away from the shadow of a loveless marriage.

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The Unshackled Queen: Never Say Never by Gilbert Soysal

The Unshackled Queen: Never Say Never by Gilbert Soysal

1942 Chapters

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