Chapter 1850

The family of four set off for a cliff on the island based on the map provided by the kindergarten. Stefan carried Abby and placed her on his shoulders while Adie tried searching for the road ahead of them. Renee walked behind them, keeping her distance.

"Daddy, that cave is very scary. It's dark and deep. I heard that there are dragons that protect the treasures in it... My classmates didn't dare to go in, but Mommy and I did. Aren't we brave?" Abby babbled as she enjoyed the view from Stefan's shoulders, waving her arms joyfully.

smiled dotingly and turned around to glance at Renee. Then, he added, "It's no surprise

is amazing?" Abby held Stefan's head

don't know how amazing your mother is." He was unsure if the children were aware

’ My mommy is a great hacker-she can easily destroy a country's security system. Plus, she's good at fighting, and is ranked first on the wanted list every year. She's even the youngest and best scholar of the top college, and participated in the design

an ordinary person; don't get me in trouble." Although Adie

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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