"\Ne can't do anything about it anyway." Quinton sighed deeply.

He could tell that Tiffany's family was strange, especially Damon.

But even so, they were just outsiders.

The most they could do was pity Tiffany.

"You're not Tiffany's guardian, so the most you could do is advise Damon, but it's his business how he wants to raise his child.

You can't meddle in that." Quinton frowned and continued, " You'd better worry about your child instead.

I think something's wrong with Adie.

He seems to be going through something he doesn't want to tell US about.

Why don't you try to talk to him?" "Yeah, I noticed that too." Renee forced herself to look away from Tiffany.

"That boy is distancing himself from me.

talk to him anyway."

way and don't

is actually quite fragile and

can't be too harsh with

they could be rough with their boys to make them more independent and responsible, but Quinton was

love and

it." Renee rubbed her nose

this time." She had double standards when it came


the outside

comparison, Renee raised Adie

Adie into the sea when he was slightly more than a year old to make him learn

old, she gave him a

then, he fell in love with shooting,


some time, Adie learned how to do

was different from ordinary children-he wasn't naughty but when he did something wrong, it was usually something serious that would drive Renee mad.

brought Abby out on a boat when Renee and Margaret were taking a nap and sailed the boat

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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