Chapter 60

Renee struggled to push him away. “Stefan, are you crazy?!”

‘Stop interrupting when I am enjoying myself, okay?’

“This isn’t appropriate! You shouldn’t watch this!”

He spoke like a father worried for his daughter, as if Renee was a young, innocent girl watching something bad.

Renee was speechless. “I am not a kid, okay? I’ve experienced a lot of things!”

“Really? Tell me, what have you experienced?”

The calamitous rage on his handsome face had subsided, replaced by a trace of playfulness as he calmly returned her


She stayed silent as memories of the night she had sex with this man surfaced in her mind, which turned her cheeks red without her realizing it. Her shy reaction amused him, making him even more confident of his speculation that she was not pregnant. In fact, she probably never had an intimate relationship with a man!

after that, Briar also left the room in embarrassment and hastily attempted to

you alright, Miss Everheart? I didn’t expect that Micah would do such a thing. You were in the room for so long. He didn’t harass

that nothing happened when only a man, especially a lewd one,

if I say he didn’t, Miss Desrosiers? After all, the glass of wine you gave me

Miss Everheart? I felt regretful for my actions toward you previously, and I wanted to apologize sincerely by offering you a glass of wine. I really had no idea it

know for a fact that Charlotte is stupid, and she couldn’t have

the hook with just a few words. Renee couldn’t

for getting pregnant

miserably. She was clearly

looked at Renee and continued coldly. “This is between you and Charlotte. Don’t drag any unrelated

in a softer tone, “I’ll take care of this. You should return to your

said pitifully. Then, she wiped her tears and

fists, and bitterness welled up

her so much that he turns a blind eye and lets her do as she pleases? Is he so

a little cry

vigilant tonight, the babies in her belly might

so frustrated with this man that she didn’t want to dwell on him for a moment longer, let alone stay in this hellhole, so she said coldly, “My

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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