Chapter 151

A handsome man in a black suit walked down from the second floor.


Renee’s eyes widened in surprise.

He had disappeared after letting her go when he didn’t reveal her identity as Phoenix in front of Stefan the last time.

She thought he’d returned to Aplen.

This left her to assume he must harbor a hidden motive for suddenly appearing in her house and helping her clean.

“Judging from the disappointed look on your face, I guess I’m unwelcome?”

He walked to the middle of the stairs and looked down at Renee. His smile had a sense of wickedness to it. “I’ve been busy since the afternoon. I’m so tired that I feel like my back is going to break. If anything happens to me, you’re the one responsible.”


Renee shuddered from embarrassment.

never thought that the intelligent hacker would

gloating and get

price. If it weren’t for my sister’s wish, I wouldn’t have allowed you wouldn’t allow you to come anywhere near the

to how you’ve sacrificed so much

the same. I’m Boss’s underling. She

a level above

sharp jawline. “Phoenix and I are the Bonnie and Clyde of the hacker world. We are soulmates.


a childish throwing–up expression. “Soulmates? What a joke! Do you even have a soul? You’re

single, so all of us get a shot. If you’re worthy of her, then so

and cats who couldn’t

Leia rolled

this morning, and whenever it got too heated, they

she regretted putting

all, both men were actually fighting for a woman.

if you’re the underling or soulmate.

words made the two men instantly

his pocket. He put on the mysterious and wicked look that he always exerted as he said arrogantly, “I admit that I admire Phoenix, but I’m not going to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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