Chapter 191

Upon hearing that, Renee’s face instantly changed. She questioned him. “So it’s you… what have you done to Margaret?”

“You should ask your nanny what she did instead.”

Stefan’s expression was still extremely dark. He said coldly to the emotional Renee, “Your nanny tried to force Briar to get an abortion. Are you gonna tell me you know nothing about it?”

He paused for a moment and continued, “Let’s each take a step back. I’ll let Margaret go, and you let Briar go.”

Stefan felt he was being generous enough to Renee.

Briar’s child was his brother’s only descendant in the world. If it had been someone else doing what Margaret had done. Stefan would have made sure that person disappeared without a trace!


Renee shook her head and said firmly. “I know Margaret very well. She wouldn’t do such a thing!”

“As for me… although I can’t wait to see Briar go to prison. I never thought of harming her child. Even if a pregnant woman is found guilty, she won’t be put into prison immediately. She’ll only serve her sentence after she gives birth and get past the breastfeeding period. The child won’t be harmed.”

Renee herself was a mother. There was no way she would be cruel enough to hurt the baby.

Her words made Stefan’s cold face relax slightly.

He knew Renee was not as vicious as she claimed. She was just trying to make him mad.

“I believe you and I believe your nanny, so let’s put an end to this matter.”

Stefan once again stated his terms. “You withdraw the charges, and your nanny will regain freedom.”

Renee’s expression was one of overwhelming disappointment. She could not help but sneer at the man and said, “How

Stefan. You make it sound like you’re such a big man for letting

don’t you just let her go? Why


so stubborn!”

patience was about

was to handle? She simply would not listen. He did not know

deal with her!

than being threatened, yet you’re actually threatening me for a

you’ve made me really mad!”

spat out some harsh words. “I’ll see you in court. Let’s see what


again, the two parted ways unhappily.

a bit,

I promise I’ll find a way to get Margaret out, but… I need to see her first to

Zack met at the detention center where


guard led them to Margaret’s cell and said impatiently, “You have ten

in her fifties, about to turn sixty. She was

how are

to the metal door and cried out through

told Renee. “What are you. doing here, Miss Ren? The environment and the ventilation here is bad. You need

time. You have to tell me and Zack everything that



a moment, but in the end, she decided to tell

you really did make abortion

Margaret would do such

that you and Mr. Hunt could get back together, in which case, the child

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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