Chapter 275

Xavier was humiliated when he found out that Renee had discovered him. He started cursing irritably, "Sh*t! How the f*ck did you find out?! I tried to be as covert as humanly possible—I even held my breath!'

Renee folded her arms and looked Xavier up and down, then gave him a look that suggested he was a complete moron before explaining, "It's broad daylight, and you're wearing all black. You've also been following me too closely, not to mention how you chose such a stupid and obvious hiding place, and you ask me how I found out?"

Xavier realized that Renee's analysis was flawlessly logical, so he scratched his nose in embarrassment and grumbled, "Didn't they say pregnant women are absent-minded? Your mind seems pretty sharp to me! You reacted pretty quickly."

It was then Renee's turn to panic.

"Who's pregnant?" she hastily asked, acting dumb. "Was it you? Ha! I didn't know you were that crazy!"

eyes. In normal circumstances, he would have exploded in rage, but he reminded himself of the reason why he followed Renee and considered

"I've been following you since you came to the hospital and


quickened, and she started to get anxious. Now that Xavier had found out

Xavier assured her in a firm voice. "I'm no tattletale. I won't tell Stefan about your

by surprise. As far as she knew, Xavier was obviously prone to prattling. How did he turn into

with that Osborne dude's child.

Back then, after Cecilia dumped him, not only did Stefan torment himself, he even dragged his best friend Xavier

had fallen for his ex-wife Renee, Xavier could not imagine what would happen if Stefan found out she was pregnant with another man's child, so quickly after their divorce! It would surely be catastrophic! That was precisely why he did not need Renee to ask him not to reveal this-because Xavier himself would take

clear what Xavier thought of her. Immediately after finding out that she was pregnant, he took it for granted that the babies in her belly were another man's,

She wondered what Stefan would do when he learned the truth about their children one day. Would he thank this best friend of his for keeping

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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