Chapter 319

It was already late at night when they arrived at the Baldwin residence. The place was an Elizabethan-era courtyard building, and was divided into four courtyards in the south, east, north, and west. Each courtyard was elegantly decorated with pavilions, carved railings, and jade.

Renee's room was in the East courtyard, next to Justin's.

"Brat, you'd better be a good host and help Ren settle in so she'll start envisioning this place as her home." Sophia ordered Justin solemnly before she went back to her room to rest.

“Don't worry, Mum, I'll take good care of my girlfriend," Justin sighed.

the two of you should be staying in the

can we stay in a room together?” With

this, her eyes shone with excitement. ‘Yes, please enjoy your time together.

everyone went, leaving just Renee

trick me?" Renee's face was

do you say so?' He

and come meet your parents, but you didn’t tell me it was going to be this grand. Your family even gave me a trained battalion! If I don't marry you, it’ll look like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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