Chapter 535

'What are you even saying? I literally just had a good night's sleep. Nothing else." Renee said as she placed the sunflowers into a glass vase.

The yellow sunflowers looked golden under the gentle sunlight, giving off a soft scent. These flowers were just right, as it wasn't too sharp, like a rose, nor was it too simple, like an orchid.

"You know, I didn't expect this at all. I guess this is what they mean by' don't judge a book by its cover', but that little escort is a professional therapist!"

"He was able to come up with an accurate analysis with just one drawing! He's also a master hypnotist too! I just... feel really secure and comfortable with him."

Just then, Adie opened his bedroom door with a fuzzy teddy bear in his arms, walking out to the living room groggily.

"Mommy, you're finally back... I heard from Aunt Leia that you were very busy, so you had to work overtime. You must be tired..."

The little one then gave Renee a big hug, patting her on the head as if she was the child now. "Don't worry, Mommy, I was doing my best to pick a husband for you last night. Someone will come and take care of you and lessen your burdens soon. Then you wouldn't have to feel so tired all the time."

serious expression quite funny. She patted Adie back on the head and replied, "Thanks, Adie. As a reward, I looked into

Aiden quite

wasn't joking out of spite, she really had chosen a few kindergarten for her children. Seeing that it was a weekend with nice weather, she was going to bring Adie to each and every

school. Despite having been established during recent years, their strong faculty and top-notch facilities, along with their simple

Renee registered Adie and Abby's birth certificates in a small country within North Varangia, they two were

bumping into anyone they know. With that, it would save

in a cartoon T-shirt with denim suspenders and an orange cap. This made Aiden look extremely cute, so much so that anyone would wish they could give him a hug and a

was during their open day, there were many parents who came to visit, with most of them being

like it here, it looks like Hogwarts! I want to take Abby here on an adventure some day!" Aiden was rather fond of the kindergarten, which looked somewhat similar to

already making plans on how to explore the place with his sister,

would like a kindergarten like this." Renee instantly felt relieved as soon as she noticed how overjoyed the

strict with their enrollment requirements, and they were quite demanding. Not only did they have to interview each student, they would interview the parents

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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