Chapter 560

"A gift?" Renee stopped and turned around, looking at the old man with interest.

How lucky could she be today, to receive a gift from such a legendary person?!

She glanced at the old man's stall. Any one of those items was either priceless or incredibly rare-she could easily make a fortune selling any of them!

But the old man had no intention to give her any of his wares. Instead, it was something that he carried with him.

"Take this silk handkerchief, young lady. One day, it will give you much- needed guidance."

The old man then stretched out his branch-like arm towards her, handing her a finely crafted silk handkerchief.


the handkerchief, it looked similar to the pattern she saw on the quilt her grandmother had left her all those years ago. Perhaps it might even have been made by the same person. It's a shame that

got this silk handkerchief, a woman with her head covered in blood rushed towards

"Please help me, Miss! Those

her early thirties. She continued to cry, "I can't die right now, Miss! If I die, then my son would become

mother who was bringing up her child alone, she was suddenly moved by compassion. She helped the lady up to her feet and asked, "What happened to

antique market to sell something. But these people here are barbarians with no regard for the law.

family heirloom. If my son wasn't ill and didn't require a lot of money for treatment, I would never even think of selling this, not even to save my own skin! But those thugs had the audacity to rob it from me. They even threatened me with knives! They're horrible people, Miss! Please, you must help

She calmly asserted, "Calm down. Although I know that Water Dock is a lawless land, since you chose to ask me for help, then I'll deal with

that her tears even dried up. She hurriedly replied, "Thank you! Thank

men swarmed in their direction. They were all wearing black suits and each

slippery like an eel! How

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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