After the discussion, Renee and Mr. Q took the packed luggage and went straight to the kindergarten to pick up the two children from school.

Adie and Abby were thrilled and proud to see Renee, and they were eager to show her off to the other children.

Abby pulled her best friend, Yara, over. She held her chin high and looked at Renee in front of the kindergarten, proclaiming, “Look there! The most beautiful lady in the crowd is my mommy. She’s the best mommy in the world. I’m lucky to be her daughter!”

Yara looked on at Renee with starry eyes but sighed regretfully. “Oh, Abby. Your mommy is indeed beautiful. Why is she with an ugly man in a mask? That’s such a waste.”

“I frequently saw how the TV portrayed mismatched couples. Isn’t that just like your mommy and that masked man? If I were you, I would find a beautiful man for your mommy. Maybe she’d be happier with that.”

Although young, the little girls were obsessed with pretty faces.

Abby loved pretty faces. Naturally, her best friend was the same.

was curious about the masked man who often picked up Abby from school. What does he

mommy really marries him, won’t she be scared? She might see the scar on his face if she suddenly wakes up

but hug her arms

problem, but he’s very nice to us. He’ll take care of Mommy. We can’t dislike him.

so, I still think your Mommy deserves someone better looking. As her daughter, you should help her out,” Yara insisted. She tried to convince Abby to find Renee a good-looking

man, but she doesn’t like him. Not only

bad daddy Stefan. She had met many handsome men, but Stefan’s beauty definitely

I guess she’s shy and deliberately

“S-set them up?”

Do you know how to set them up? If not, I can teach you secretly! It’s a very

Yara leaned closer

little far from the two little girls. Seeing that it would be his turn to leave the school with Abby, he waved his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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