“You’re toying with me again! How could you discuss such intimate topics in front of a woman?!”

“What do you mean? This is merely a normal conversation between husband and wife…” Stefan said casually, but his eyes were filled with pride. “Don’t forget, we are legally married now, so this isn’t crossing any lines.”

“Hmph, legally married?!” This angered Renee, and she scoffed. “You played despicable tricks to obtain my documents, and bribed the registration personnel too! How could you bring that up with absolutely no shame?!”

“Of course. But if you have any objections regarding this matter, you could just try to annul the marriage. We’ll see if the judge supports you on that.”

“You really are a despicable man, Stefan Hunt. You’re a fraud!” Renee yelled at the man, helpless. She knew well enough that the judge wouldn’t support her even if she tried. Stefan Hunt was a perfectionist, and would definitely make sure to avoid every single loophole when carrying this plan out.

The woman knew that there was only one way for them to separate at this point, which was to make him agree to a divorce on his own accord. It was the quickest solution as well.

stop this nonsense and let me go.” Renee stopped acting tough and lowered her head, having no other way to resolve this. “Let’s just get a divorce. I won’t stop you from seeing the kids at all – you can come visit them any time, I promise.” She knew that the man had never wanted her, he just wanted to take the children from her through legal means. Hence, this was the biggest

take me for a fool, Everheart? Right now, I can have both you and the children. Why

enough to make the woman explode, and she howled, “You jerk! What do you want from me?! Are you trying

at her with cold eyes, asking, “Have you ever considered that I’m doing all of this, going through so much trouble, because I want to start over with you? And yet you’d rather die than give us another

“I can’t!”

“Why not?”

rested her head in her hands, racking her brain and thinking of an excuse to escape this stubborn man. ‘This is so weird! Isn’t he cold and distant all the time?

person. I’m not suited to be

“I beg to differ.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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