This b*stard was downright vulgar!

Sheila and Arthur were seething with anger. They quickly rushed towards old Mr. Hunt to complain.

“You… You heard that, didn’t you, Uncle Timothy? Stefan was simply being disrespectful of us! Sheila only meant to give them the golden lock as a special gift with pure intentions. It’s fine if they don’t appreciate it, but how could he say that Jovan could be cut off from his children? You must grant us justice, Uncle!”

Sheila clung onto the armrest of the chair where old Mr. Hunt was seated, wailing as if the world was ending.

Arthur then added, bringing up his long-dead father to put more pressure on old Mr. Hunt, “My father died young, Uncle Timothy, but before he died, he entrusted me to you. Although I’m only your nephew, I’ve always looked up to you as my real father, so you can’t let your son and grandson bully me like this. If Jovan really is cut off from his children, my bloodline will end with him, and in that case, my father will certainly have something to say about it when you meet him in heaven!”

“Arthur…” Old Mr. Hunt began. “We both know that your father entrusted you to me…”

Old Mr. Hunt always remembered his dead younger brother fondly, so he was never able to take any firm and decisive actions against Arthur Hunt and his family because he would always give in to them.

said you look up to me as your real father, so how could I not love you as my own son? Ever since you were a child, I brought you up together with my children, and I even brought Stefan and Jovan up together too. I’ve always distributed the responsibilities in H Group according to their abilities. I’ve always

dissatisfied when I handed H Group over to Stefan and let Jovan manage the branch overseas. I know that since then, you’ve been scheming and plotting to take over. I can turn a blind eye to all that, but what happened

“I’m tired. Take me back to my room. I’m going

do you

her feet. In the past, no matter how much they crossed the line, old Mr. Hunt

tears in her eyes and snot on her nose, “Uncle! You can’t just leave

“Please step back, Madam.”

way, then helped old

the most powerful man in the Hunt family had given up his authority

“Alexander, we can forget everything else, but you must

“Your uncle wants

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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