Feeling a little embarrassed, Renee got up and left the cockpit.

“Mommy, look at the blocks we put together. Don’t they look great!”

Abby proudly pointed out the results of the hours of work she and Adie had put in.

“Wow, what a great castle. You put it together so quickly. You guys are great!”

Renee looked at the big castle, which was several meters high and few meters wide, and was impressed them from the bottom of her heart. She believed perhaps only her genius son and daughter had the ability to finish this amount of work in such a short time.

“Mommy, I’ve got it all arranged in this big castle. Great Grandpa, Grandpa, Grandma, and Margaret will occupy the first floor. Bad Daddy and Daddy Q will occupy the second floor with you. Adie and I will be staying on the third floor. Look at the front of the castle. There are many sunflowers there. All of us will live here and be very happy, right?”

Abby looked up and happily introduced the castle to Renee.

“Yes, yes. W-we’ll always be happy.”

Renee’s expression suddenly turned a little gloomy.

the cockpit. To think she was still thinking about her life with Mr. Q only a month ago, and

him, she would have forgotten about

she thought to

Can you contact him? I miss him,” Adie said,

can’t reach him

it because he knows you’re with Bad Daddy? Is he so

what happened either. He suddenly

deep breath and asked Adie, “Do you like Mr. Q. better?

“That’s not true!”

like whoever Mommy likes, but I’m worried. Bad Daddy isn’t as reliable as Q and may

He’s truly devoted to me now and shouldn’t hurt me

confidence when saying this. She

overall. It was more of

hoped that things would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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