“Hmm.. Where should I begin? Actually, I’m not sure how things turned out like this either…”

Renee grabbed Leia’s hand and let out a long sigh. She told Leia honestly, “I made up my mind not to get involved with him ever again, but things change. He came at me really aggressively. I couldn’t stop him, so I pretended to accept him and waited for him to get bored. But after a while, I realized that he’s… actually not that bad.”

“Not that bad?!”

Leia poked Renee’s forehead and scolded her, “Have you already forgotten about the pain he made you go through just because the wounds have healed? Have you forgotten about all the dirty things he did four years ago? Have you forgotten about all the hardship you went through in the last four years, having to bring up your children by yourself?”

“That guy is cold and unpredictable. He might treat you well now, but what if he suddenly has a change of heart? He’ll hurt you again and snatch Adie and Abby away from you. Have you thought about that?”

“I have…”

Renee’s beautiful face became slightly gloomy, but she soon lifted her head with confidence. “The highest level of love is to not be afraid of losing. I accept his passion when he loves me, and I’ve also prepared myself to face his coldness when he doesn’t love me anymore. He’s just the icing on the cake for me now. What’s truly important is the cake – the icing is just an embellishment! I can live without it!”

and said, “Wow, such wisdom!

Renee’s IQ and EQ were both exceptionally high. She could

goddess he has been protecting for the past four years has returned to the demon,

this if she could help it because she felt like she was guilt-tripping Renee, but if Renee and

least for Renee,

like she was riding

not mentioned Liam, he had been a constant thorn

around her like a quagmire, making it hard for her to

so guilty

I know that even if I try to make it up to him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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