Tsk tsk, if they really were to date, he would probably need to get a bigger insurance policy!

“Alright, you two, stop messing around. My two children already give me enough headaches. If I have to take care of you two as well, I’ll collapse from exhaustion.”

Renee rubbed her temples with a tired expression.

Xavier childishly licked the lollipop and patted Renee on the shoulder. “Ren, don’t worry. Stef is really good at solving problems. He’ll take care of the problem in no time.”

Renee’s expression changed slightly. She asked, “Does that mean you know what’s going on?”

“I’m not sure.”

There’s something behind Xavier’s words.

Leia was angered. She glared at Xavier. “Can you speak like a human? Stop being so elusive.”

“Alright, I’ll say it. Don’t get mad.”

my old man. He said that he heard the H Group was betrayed. Their business partner, the Murphy family, suddenly betrayed them and joined forces with the H Group’s rivals, causing the

“The Murphy family?”

became a

with Stefan would not be smooth sailing. It would

family had been planning a marriage with the Hunt family. Stef and Seraphina had already chosen a date for the wedding, but you and Stef suddenly got back together and ruined all the plans. Mr. Murphy was so angry that he smashed

Murphy’s room for three days to plead for mercy. Initially, Mr. Murphy was ready to

“No way.”

the grudge between Old Murphy’s mistress and Stefan? Why is she

“I have no idea.”

spread his

mistress a

Asked Renee.

think so. To be honest, this Jasmine Click ain’t all that, but she gave birth to an illegitimate son for Mr. Murphy, so Mr. Murphy would always do what Jasmine Click

“Then it makes sense.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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