Leia had goosebumps all over her body. She quickly stopped Xavier from continuing. “That’s insane. They killed them all?”

“This is just a TV show, so relatively speaking, it’s already a pretty mild outcome. If it had happened in real life, it would have been even more insane.”

Xavier sighed deeply.

As one of the eight major families in Beach City, the Stuart family had seen a lot of things that were even uglier and more insane than what happened in TV shows.

“So what you’re trying to say is, Stefan is like Robb who canceled his marriage, while I’m like the innocent nurse who ended up getting stabbed in the stomach. If I go back, I’m dead for sure?”

Renee asked Xavier.

“You know it.”

shrugged and said, “All I can tell you is, the Murphy family came to power through shady means. The methods they used were much more brutal than what you see in TV shows. If you don’t show up, considering the power of the Hunt family, maybe there’s still room for negotiation between the two families. But if you go back,

just stay put and not do anything reckless.

with Xavier and secretly gave him a

managed to explain the situation with

I’ll wait

finally changed her

“Thank goodness.”

exchanged glances with Xavier and they smiled at each

wine and had a

were restless that evening. Even though it was already past eleven o’clock, they were still not feeling sleepy. They insisted that

the bed with a child on each side. The children clutched Renee’s arms like a couple of

gone for so long. When is he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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