After a brief pause, Stefan found the bowl of medicine before he leaned his head back to gulp it down.

“Can you tell me now why you’re keeping me alive?”

His thoughts were very clear. He made a guess and hit the nail on the head. “Did Renee say something to you? You guys reached some kind of deal… What is your relationship with her?”

He vaguely heard Renee address Quinton as her brother and Quinton address her as his sister when he was in the water dungeon.

However, wasn’t Renee the only child? When did she get a brother out of the blue?

He had too many doubts he needed to figure out. Even if he had to die, he had to die without any doubts.

“I don’t have to tell you about our relationship. The reason I keep you alive is because I’m kind and generous. I don’t want my pawnshop to be stained with blood…”


Stefan snorted and retorted, “Is Night Demon someone to be trifled with? You’re born a demon, and you regard the lives of others’ lives as mere dust. You know very well how many people you’ve killed. I got rid of you guys cruelly that year to get rid of the harmful people for society, and I’ll still do the same now. So, you’d better don’t let me off the hook!”

became quite

he was at a loss

Stefan for so many years, but he had never yearned to break his neck so much as

sake of his sister, nephew, and niece, he had to suppress

worry. I told you I’m kind and generous. Of course, I won’t

guy, today’s weather is rather good. Do you want me to take you out for

Stefan became speechless.

guy. I can be your white cane for

rendered speechless

a strange scene

of Beach City were now on the roof together, facing the river at the border of three kingdoms and lying on the lawn

himself thoroughly, but Stefan was full

You don’t have

He struggled to get up from the lawn chair several times,

help you to recover sooner. Why do you think I want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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