The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 14


I don’t know what the hell I was thinking about agreeing to let Autumn stay the night with me. Every second with her felt like a ticking bomb, ready to explode. She was unpredictable when she was drunk. She said and did things that shocked me to the very core. And her f*****g scent was all over my jeep. I could smell her everywhere. Her scent should not be this strong. And now it would be stuck with me for a while.

Her brother didn’t sound happy that she was staying with me tonight, and I didn’t blame him, even I didn’t trust myself around her. Not when she asked me things like permission to touch my hair, and not when she leans into me, and f*****g smells me like I’m her next meal.

Drunk Autumn was dangerous. I’m happy that this is her first time; at least, I think that it is. I didn’t want any other man to experience what she was like when she was drunk.

“Atticus.” She whispers my name, and I pretend not to hear her. I do that because I’m actually terrified of myself right now. Terrified of what I would do if I looked into her eyes and she asked me for something else. I didn’t know if I would be strong enough to deny her.

I breathe a sigh of relief when I finally spot my house. Just a little bit again, and I would be able to place her in the guest room. Then her compelling voice and scent wouldn’t affect me anymore. I would be able to act rationally again.

As I drive into the garage, I jump out of the jeep and walk over to her side.

She looks drowsy, and it may not be long before she falls asleep.

The moment I open her door, her eyes open wide, and she smiles at me. Her smile is dazzling, and I wonder how I’ve never been lost in it before.

“Let’s get you inside,” I say as I inwardly scold myself for noticing things I shouldn’t.

“Okay!” She shouts as she wraps her arms around my neck and pushes her body against mine.

I grip her waist to steady her, and she uses that opportunity to wrap her legs around my waist.

Ah f**k. I wasn’t planning on holding her this way. She was too close like this. Way too close for my sanity.

“Autumn, “I growl as I try to put distance between us. She clamps her legs tighter around me, and I stop moving altogether. If she kept rubbing against me, she might awaken something that I didn’t want to f*****g deal with right now.

How am I supposed to walk into the house with her wrapped around me like this? I had to hope that everyone else was already asleep.

her still in my arms. Autumn snuggles against me, and I try to ignore how perfectly

make my way through the house. When I turn the

Damn it.

he could see me and raced towards my room. I know it wasn’t the best idea, but I could keep her there until I was sure everyone

open the door and walk inside. Autumn giggles as I close the door and lock

She whimpered, and the sweet sound caught me off guard. It was so unexpected that I was unprepared for when she

to prevent us from kissing, but I don’t do it fast enough. My lips are on hers before I can stop it from

attempt to move, but she surprises me by moaning. The sound makes something stir in my pants. I swallow as she pulls my bottom lip into

from touching her. My nails dig into them as I let her kiss me. She doesn’t kiss like an amateur. It makes me wonder if she’s ever done it

wasn’t aware of what she was doing. I would

tonight. I bite down gently on her bottom lip before pulling it into my mouth. Autumn

throat as I rip my body away from hers. She pouts, and I mutter a few silent curses because all I can think about is how good

keep her in here with

If she asked me to touch my hair again, I would lose it; I could barely keep my cool in the jeep with her on top of me.

tonight. I knew where I was heading. I keep walking until I reach my destination. I knock on the door in front

when she doesn’t

sister’s eyes widen when she sees Autumn in

as she helps me place her onto her bed.

drunk at a party. She isn’t like herself at all. I think it’s more appropriate

she studies me. “What happened to your lips? And your face and neck. It’s

I quickly play it off and tell her that I need sleep. She doesn’t ask any other questions as I storm off. I breathed a sigh of relief as I got back to my room. I soon realized, however, that it wasn’t about to be an easy night. I can still smell her everywhere. What is it about her?

. .


I was not in my

scared to open my eyes and freak out more

by one, the events of last night replay in my head. With each new memory, I felt like I was

I danced on Atticus and caused him to carry me to his jeep. Then I asked him to touch his hair while he was in the middle of driving. In the middle of freaking driving! I ran a hand through my hair


a screech of frustration as the rest of the memories

him! I kissed Atticus! I must be out of my damn mind. I’ve never been so reckless in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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