The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 45

My heart felt like it had just gotten the shock of its life. What exactly was Atticus asking from me?

Let him love me? There were so many different possible meanings to that sentence. I was breathing hard, and I knew that he could hear it. He could even feel it with how close he was to me. And I think that he loved the way my body reacted to him.

“I’m not asking you to let me touch you tonight.” He whispers as if reading my mind. “I’m asking for a chance to let me prove to you that I’m different now. I’m asking for a chance to prove that you’re the most important woman in my life—no one else. I know I can’t just say words and expect you to believe them, but please, give me this one chance. I can’t function knowing you’ve given up on me, Autumn. I need to know that there is still time to fix things between us. After everything you’ve been through, this may be asking too much of you, but please, give me this chance.”

My heart was practically jumping in my chest. I wanted to scold myself for getting so excited and happy over his words. I didn’t want to allow him back into my heart that easily. I wanted to give myself time to forgive him for everything he’d done. I wanted time to forgive him for his promises to Anya on our wedding day. I wanted time to forgive him for leaving me to go to her multiple times.

Many things still broke my heart every time I remembered them. It wouldn’t be easy for me to simply forget about it. I needed the chance to heal from all of it. And I think Atticus understood that. That’s why he was being so gentle with me.

I loved him. And because I loved him, I was willing to give him one more chance to prove that everything he said to me was true.

“Okay,” I whisper. “You have one chance, Atticus. One chance only.”

He breathes a sigh of relief, and his happiness gives me life.

“Can I continue to hold you like this for the rest of the night?” He pleads.

I swallow; I loved having him this close to me. It made me act stupidly but would it be so bad to allow him to hold me just for one night?


This was for me; I was doing it for me, not for him. For my pleasure.

“You can.” I finally answer.

I held my breath as his hand slid over my waist and pulled my body tighter against his. His face was now snuggled against my neck, and his hot breath tickled my skin.

I’ve never wanted to be held this way by anyone but Atticus. It felt so good to be in his arms. I never wanted to lose this. I always wanted to be here, right next to him.

We spend the rest of the night wrapped in each other’s arms. It was the best sleep I’d gotten in my entire life. It was something I could look forward to every night for the rest of my life.

Our ride to school the next day was a quiet one. Atticus didn’t have anything to say to me. And I didn’t say anything to him either.

Surprisingly, when we arrived, Damon and Clarissa had come alone. Anya was not in the vehicle with them. It was very rare for her not to show up for the academy. Where could she be?

Our first classes had been rushed, and it seemed like Atticus was uneasy about something for the entire day. He looked like he was anxious, and it bothered me. The first thing on my mind was whether or not he was bothered that Anya hadn’t shown up for class today.

I want to believe that he has changed, but I didn’t think anyone could change their old habits in one day.

Dante wasn’t here either. It was only the four of us as we walked into the cafeteria. Damon and Atticus excused themselves to get some food for Clarissa and me, and we watched them leave. As soon as they’re a reasonable distance away from us, Clarissa turns to me with a massive grin.

“I need to tell you what happened in the hospital while you were gone.” She says while clapping her hands in excitement. It must have been really good for her to be this happy. Did it have something to do with Damon? But she’s never confided in me, so it had to be something concerning Anya.

“What happened?” I ask; I knew I didn’t have to worry about it being anything I didn’t want to hear since Clarissa was telling the story.

“After you left the room crying, Anya started saying horrible stuff about you. She said that you didn’t care about Atticus and weren’t even there while he was healing in the hospital bed. Then she mentioned that it was clear that you didn’t help him when Carter and the team attacked him, she claimed that was why he was so severely beaten, and you didn’t have a single scratch on you.”

I dug my nails into my jeans at her comment. I knew she would have done something like that. I didn’t expect anything else from her. Anya was always looking for ways to drag me to the ground.

“But Atticus surprised everyone when he told her to watch her mouth.” She says, surprising me.

“He did?”

She nods, “his exact words were, ‘don’t f*****g talk about my wife like that’. Everyone was stunned, speechless that he’d spoken to Anya like that. I’ve never heard anyone in my life ever speak to her that way before, and to know that it came from Atticus, was even more mind-blowing.”

I couldn’t believe Atticus had stood up for me like that. I was so scared that confessing my love would push him away from me, but it had done the exact opposite. But still, I didn’t want to forgive him just yet. I needed more. I needed him to prove that he wanted our marriage to work. But he was heading in the right direction.

“That’s not all. He also told her that he would prevent her from coming to our home if she disrespected you.” She continues. “And that you’re the one he married, you’re the one he chose to spend the rest of his life with. I was blown away. I’ve never seen Anya so shocked and upset before. No one has ever put her in her place like he did yesterday, and I’m proud of him. It took him too long to do it, but at least he finally did it. If only Damon and Dante could do the same now, life would be wonderful.”

He did all of that for me? Why? Why did Atticus suddenly change? He was acting like a different person, and I wasn’t sure if I could allow myself to fall anymore for him. I was happy to see this change, but it was so soon that it was hard to believe that he felt something for me in such a short time.

It felt more like he felt guilty for all I went through. He wasn’t to blame for my heartache in the beginning; he never knew I was in love with him, and it only became a problem when we got married. It was then that I expected more from him as his wife.

“Did you hear what happened at the game last night?” she asks. “I couldn’t believe what I’d heard. That score is the worst in our history. Carter has never misplayed before. I instantly thought of yesterday. They deserved it for what they did to Atticus.”

I stiffen at her words. She didn’t know that I had been there, and she also didn’t realize that I was the reason they had lost the game, to begin with.

I didn’t regret my decision. I was happy that I had gotten some revenge against them. In my eyes, this would have hurt them more than someone taking a piece of iron and beating them with it. The entire academy was pissed at the fearsome. They were accustomed to a good game. Everyone had turned against them in one night.

everyone would forget about today eventually, but I

is Atticus?” I ask her when I don’t notice him at

keep you distracted for five

ask. “For

She smiles, “you’ll see.”

takes my hand and pulls me forward

are we

we keep walking until we’re in front of the large wooden door that leads to the

I pushed the

is a special moment between you and Atticus.” She tells me. “I don’t want to

the door open, and I’m faced with

widen when I see pictures of Atticus and me on our wedding day hanging all over the walls. There were also pictures our mothers had forced us to

aching but in a good way. I never thought Atticus would ever do things like

roses he’d gathered just for me. He doesn’t

I’ve been so oblivious to your feelings. It makes me angry with myself that I didn’t notice it sooner. I hate that you had to tell me first for me to realize all of the pain I’ve been putting you through. Autumn, if I had even the

last thing I should be thinking about, but I desperately

I’ve ever made you shed. I’m so sorry for being so dumb all these years. I’m so sorry for being even dumber after we got married. I’ve never met another woman like you, Autumn. Your innocence, your kindness, your precious heart, you’re the first woman I’ve met that has qualities that are so perfect. You were hurting for so long, and yet you never turned

don’t know

mean to me. It’s my turn to put in the work in our marriage. I’m not going to disappoint you this time. I promise that I’ll do everything in my power to make you forgive me, to make you


looked happy to see that his

from ear to ear, remembering how sweet he was to

we got home, Atticus was back to being quiet, making me wonder if he had more plans up

was him keeping his promise to Anya about not sleeping with me. I wanted to know if he would finally complete the bond between us if I pushed for it. I wanted to know if Atticus truly desired me. He never explained

sexiest lingerie and quickly put it onto my

I came out with a white thong and a matching bra piece. I know the moment that he sees it because of the

So far, so good.

you doing, Autumn?” He demanded when I seductively climbed on top

he grabs my waist and tries to lift me off him. I pressed harder on him,

He growls. “Please


freezes at my confession, and I swear his body shivered beneath mine. He closes his eyes in pain, and with more force than before,

haven’t forgiven me, Autumn.” He says as he keeps me away from him. “I

to believe that you desire me when you refuse to give me what I want while I’m dressed like this?” I

know what’s wrong with me. I don’t know why I’m pushing for this so much. I knew I was becoming uncontrollable, but this took things too

heart see; if he

I whispering? Was that another spell? I can’t control myself as I start

and he tries to walk out of the room before I can complete the spell.

pauses, and at that moment, I feel

around to look at me looks like an uncontrollable beast ready to take what

growling as his mouth is on my neck.

feel it throbbing against my stomach, and I gasp. He wasn’t even naked, yet I could feel how big and hard

than I’ve ever wanted any other woman in my life, Autumn.” He growls. “I ache for you every damn second of every f*****g day. Do you know what it’s like to want someone so badly and know that you can’t have them

up and down his; I could feel his d**k as he continued with the motion, making

says as he inhales my scent. “You

motion, grinding against him. I wanted him. I wanted to feel him inside of me. I’ve waited long enough for this. I was

how much I want you. No one should desire someone as much as I desire you. You’re too good for me. You’re too good for me, Autumn. You think that I don’t desire you, but if you could read my mind, you’ll be able to see how badly I crave

to touch our lips together. He sucks on my lower lip but only for a

to remember every touch and every taste for the rest of my life. I want the

he wanted to savor every second of tonight. He was slow and torturous

The mark he left on me. He loves that he’s the one that

moving it up and down

it makes me know that I’m the only one you’ve loved all this time, Autumn?” He asks. “Do you even understand what that means to me? I had the most amazing woman loving me for years, and I didn’t know it. I wish you had told me sooner. I

when one of his hands traveled up my bare leg and inches closer to the

halfway and touches his lips to mine. He eases me into the kiss until I feel like I’m floating on cloud nine. It’s the best feeling in the world, being kissed like this

He growls. “And the taste of you. How the f**k have I not taken you sooner? How

to right, and my body arched against his. I want to be closer to him. I want to be as close as our bodies will let

ripping his shirt off his body aggressively, I’ve wanted him like this for so long, and I was happy that I finally had him. I didn’t care that it was a spell; I didn’t care because this was his

take all that I could get? Something kept telling me that I wouldn’t always have him this close to me. Something was messing with my mind, screaming for me to run, I didn’t

us, I wanted him this close to me. I was scared of our

him tightly as he continued to shower my body with his kisses. He pulled the lingerie down my body with his teeth slowly, his nose making a soft trail down my

front of my p***y, he doesn’t take the thong entirely off my body. Instead, he leans closer and licks my

words. How does he know exactly what to say

that night in the spring; I was dying to be inside you.” He says before pausing to take another long swipe of his tongue. I tremble in his hands. He was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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