The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 54


“Why do I feel like you’re pulling away from me since the accident?” Anya asks.

She hasn’t stopped asking me uncomfortable questions ever since she came over for the party.

She doesn’t hide the hurt in her voice from me, and it fills me with guilt. I still didn’t dare to tell her that my feelings for her had changed. I didn’t know how to say to her that all of my feelings were for Autumn because even I didn’t understand how any of that was possible.

Autumn? Why Autumn? Why her closest friend?

I’ve always feared that I cared way too much for Autumn, even while I was with Anya in the past. I kept my distance from her because of it.

But since when had those feelings become this dangerous? Since when had those feelings transformed into something else? And what should I do to prevent them from getting stronger?

I thought that I’d done a good job in the past at keeping her away from me. What the hell had happened to change that? I couldn’t think of anything that could have possibly happened in that short space of time before the accident that could have caused Autumn and me to get closer to each other.

“Atticus?” Anya calls as she waits for me to say something.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I forgot that she was speaking to me. What else has she been saying to me? I could only remember the last question she’d asked me.

I searched my mind for a response to her question which wouldn’t hurt her feelings. Making her happy was always my main priority, and I didn’t plan on stopping it now. She meant so much to me; even if my feelings were off, I still wanted the best for her. Hurting her was not something I ever planned on doing.

“It’s because I feel like you’ve been lying to me, Anya.” I remind her. “I feel like everyone is lying to me, and I hate being lied to. Ever since that fatal accident, I feel like I can’t trust any of you, which is crazy since I trust all of you more than I trust anyone else. That’s why it bothers me that the people closest to me are trying their best to hide so much from me.”

She stiffens, and I can tell my words have hit a nerve. I wasn’t trying to anger her. I was only telling how I truly felt. I was answering her question but not being totally honest with my answer.

“I’m not lying to you.” She snaps. “I’m just trying to protect you from yourself. That’s all. Everyone wants to protect you. That accident scarred all of us, Atticus; I’m sorry that we can’t tell you every little detail about that day. When we think you’re ready, we will let you know everything. You said that you trust us, and we were hoping you could continue to do that. This is not the time to lose what we have; this is our chance to get closer to each other. You haven’t even touched me as you used to since the accident. Do you know how that makes me feel? It makes me feel unwanted.”

She throws her arms around me, and once again, I felt nothing. Still, I held her to me because she’s all I’ve ever known; loving her was the only thing I’ve known since meeting her. It felt weird how much of my feelings have changed just because of one accident.

I wasn’t going to wait around to find out the truth anymore; I was going to do my own research. It was clear that no one would ever tell me the truth. I may spend the rest of the year waiting for answers and never receive them. I was never someone to sit around and wait for the answers to come to me; when I wanted something, I went after it. This was no different. I wanted to know the truth, and I was going to find it.

“Atticus,” Anya whispers, still in my arms. “Do you promise to love me for the rest of your life?”

I held my breath; I didn’t want to answer that. I couldn’t fulfill that promise. I’d already broken it. I wasn’t even aware of what was happening in my heart anymore. I had to figure my feelings out before I answered her. I didn’t want to lie to her. I never liked lying to Anya.

The door flew open suddenly without warning. Whoever it was hadn’t even bothered to knock.

“There you two are,” Clarissa says as she barges into the room.

I should have guessed only she would do something like this. There’s a mischievous look in her eyes. Something tells me this was totally intentional.

I move away from Anya, who glares at her. Their hatred for each other has intensified so much that I knew that plenty more had happened between them that I didn’t know about.

Did they have another argument over Damon? They were always fighting over who got to spend more time with him. I didn’t bother asking. I knew by now that they weren’t going to tell me anything. I didn’t know how Damon was able to split his time between the two of them. But right now Anya seemed to be more concerned about Autumn than she was about Clarissa.

“What do you think I should wear for the party tonight?” She asks as she holds up two dresses in her hand. One was a light blue and the other, a black. One showed more skin and the other was a little more conservative but not by plenty.

I quirk a brow at her, confused by her question. Since when does Clarissa care about my opinion on the clothes she has to wear? I’ve never once given my input. I’ve never really had to either since Damon was usually the one complaining about what she wore. Clarissa always did the opposite of whatever anyone asked her to do. Then why would she ask for my opinion or anyone else’s for that matter? It was clear that her opinion was all that mattered to her. She was in my room for a totally different reason, I was sure of it.

opinion matter?”

smile. “Your opinion has always mattered

be doing this for? It almost felt like she’d purposefully interrupted my time with Anya.


“this one?” She asks, pointing at the opposite of what I’d told her, just like

sigh, “whatever you

looks at Anya, “should you be inside here

deadly. Those

course, I’m allowed in his room. Why does that

it out. Mother wants

to her earlier question.

excused myself and followed Clarissa

points out

stop walking, “Where did you

could have done it without touching her, but a part of me wanted

talking about it.” She answers me. “It sounds like you’re both getting along

I say, distracting her from that discussion. The last person I wanted

“What does mother want?”

looked like you were

She meant that this entire time my mother hadn’t once asked to see me? Since when did Clarissa become this

“Clarissa,” I growl.

asks innocently. “Did you not want my

desperate for an excuse to leave that room with Anya still in it. When she mentioned not touching her, I felt uneasy. I

why are you still with

her only changed after the accident. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

with Autumn instead of her. There is more chemistry between the two

brow at her, “chemistry? What do you even know about

isn’t about me. Don’t try to

and start dating her best friend?” I ask. “I’m

some kind of joke to her. Did she know something that I didn’t? What

capable of doing Atticus. Give yourself a little more credit.” She says. “Anya and Autumn are no longer

one had to tell me that. I saw everything on my own. It’s crazy how much has

to ask her what she meant by that, but she turns her attention to Damon next. And once Damon had her attention, no one else had a chance of getting it

to me. Dump Anya and date Autumn? The more I thought about it, the crazier

something I knew was wrong. Tonight, I had to avoid Autumn as much as possible. I couldn’t

my head. It’s the only explanation I have for everything happening. I wouldn’t let it mess with my heart as well. It was time for me to get everything under control. Anya was hurting enough; I didn’t want

. .


like this because of an accident. He’s no longer trying to assure me he was over Anya;

this,” Clarissa

or maybe he chooses to pretend that he doesn’t know. Whichever one it was, it still felt like a stabbing

with Clarissa. Even though I felt sad, I promised

change the music from these boring slow songs to lively

I began swinging my hips from left to right. I wanted to slowly remind Atticus of every moment

remind him of the day Griffin had took me to a party on the beach. It was a day I

Usually when Atticus is looking at me I can feel his gaze digging into my back. I didn’t feel

Autumn go,” Griffin says as he whistles loud enough for Atticus to hear him. He was also happy

to him. “I’m only helping you get my brother back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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